Not quite the pandemic some say.. 11 in Royston 10 in Hoyland 6 in Monk Bretton since March.2020.. Would interesting to know how many have died from heart disease or cancer say in the same length of time.. So remind me, why are we in lockdown again..? Deaths involving COVID-19 - Interactive map - Office for National Statistics (
Interesting but if i had seen 11 deaths through say road traffic incidents or flu or brain tumour in an area like Royston i would think it high and in fact 11 too many.
In Selby and Ainsty we have just passed 70 Covid deaths i believe from the figures I've seen which like you say isn't huge. It does make you wonder which areas of the country have been worst hit and why that might be.
I think the way the gov is handling lockdown is abysmal and a catalogue of errors. But how would you prevent the NHS overload as that’s why the lockdown exists.
I can tell you for a fact that the info on there is wrong, certainly for my shows 13 deaths in the area and I know for an absolute certainty one care home alone had 23 deaths in the summer months.
from February 2019-2020 there were 690 cancer deaths in Central Barnsley, figures not out for this year yet
the lockdowns have been to stop nhs been over only kills 0.5 percent, but 0.5 percent of 67 million is alot ,we see light at end of tunnel soon I hope
So you are saying that you do not believe the Office of National Statistics then right?.. So then how can you believe anything then... your told 50.000 covid infections a day on the news, how do you know ? what's the difference.
I would wait with interpreting any stats whilst we see what this new variant of COVID does. Had the NHS resources been as they should and not been run down year after year, we would’ve been in a better situation to cope.
All I can say is that their figures shown on the chart for my area are less than half of what they should be.
Death Certificares are quite complicated - 1 a) disease or condition leading to death b) other disease or condition leading to a) c) other disease or condition leading to b) 2 other significant condition CONTRIBUTING TO THE DEATH but not realted to the death or condition. ---------------------------------------- I've not seen a Death Certificate for someone who died as a result of Covid but it's possible that a doctor would NOT note Covid as the condition leading to death 1a) but would note it in 1b) or 1c) The doctor may note the 'condition leading to death' as something like 'respiratory failure.' As a result when the data on Cause of Death over a period of time is collated it will not give an accurate picture.
Where is the money going to come from to run the NHS when nobodys working and everyone is being paid to stay at home.. What is going to be the result here..? Not just NHS but who's going to pay the teachers, or mend the roads and empty the bins? were is the tax money with nobody working. Keep borrowing off the banks?.. where will it all lead
Therein lies the problem, they go down as a covid death if its mentioned on the death certificate, we lost my dad in april, his death certificate said, copd, cancer and covid19, so he was a covid death, i,ve never understood this " death for any reason " business, for me the deaths should only be counted as covid deaths if covid is the primary cause, it reeks of number boosting, the question is why would they want to do that?
Jeez Not again. I'm not pretending that the government are handling this well, but the logic of 'there's hardly been any deaths so why are we putting so much effort into preventing deaths' ought to look daft to any adult. Why did we put millions of man hrs into ensuring that the Y2k bug wouldn't cripple computer systems, there was hardly any problems caused by it? The answer ought to be obvious
Sit down, this might blow your mind - there's no such thing as money Money doesn't exist - it's a promise by the government that they'll give you money later. They literally do own a magic money factory (it's not a tree though)