It says 3 for me which it said at the end of April so it's either out of date information or I am very lucky nobody else has passed from it.
All them facts and logic too much for you fella. if you post us your reading age we’ll attempt to explain it in simple enough terms. Always happy to do my bit for helping the hardest to reach.
Look.. you can **** right off with your condersending tone you old **** dog.. I was quoting the official statistics .. whether you agree or not I don't give a flying **** can call them liers or frauds if you like, but that is official line But don't talk down to people you don't agree with, it just makes you look a w@nker, you dont know any more than anyone else..
Barnsley with a population of 240,000 has had many more deaths from Covid 19 than Hong Kong a City of 7,400,000. A friend of mine who married a HK girl and whose daughter spent 5 weeks in a HK Hospital describes the place as a very dirty unhygienic city. Anyone who thinks Johnson is doing a good job needs to look how HK dealt with it. The ex pats are shocked how badly the UK Government have handled the pandemic.
Bet me to it . Yes you are correct . Its what is referred to as a fiat currency . The money is literally invented . A little like when you go for a loan from the bank . You don't borrow any money , they create it in your name ( referred to as fractional reserve banking ) .
Nothing wrong with your ‘quoting the stats’ but there’s something wrong with ‘logic’ that concludes we don’t need to mitigate for something that’s been reduced by our mitigation. Why do we bother making our cars safer? My daughter was involved in a high speed crash and walked away unharmed. Sorry I hit a nerve, you could mitigate people being condescending by simply thinking before you type