Assuming each dot on the "vertical" graph above represents a day -14 days ago we had around 400 new cases per 100k, 7 days ago we had around 530 new cases per 100K per day - now we have around 730 new cases- ie doubling every 2.5 weeks or so - thats not vertical. Last march it was doubling every 3 days and we werent even testing most people - thats a lot closer to vertical. We have a huge problem but hyperbole of vertical lines isnt helpful to anyone - - by the way a truly vertical line would mean the entire country caught it in the next day or so - we are a long way from that
Remember back at the beginning when the virus was just starting on our shores and I suggested a lockdown? You called me a nutter. Now you’re saying we waited too long and didn’t take action. Good times.
Surely it goes back to protecting the vulnerable and making them THE priority? A strategy that such an alarming majority have ruled out, yet we want to keep trying things that are proving not to work. It's never great to have a record in terms of hospitalisations, but if we can increase the rotation of those hospitalisations as oppose to seeing the deaths number increase, that would arguably be a better result than destroying even more lives than the death toll with a strategy that has thus far proven not to work.
And how do we protect the vulnerable, make sure they get the care and supplies they need, while allowing everyone else to carry on as though nothing is happening?
The headline of the graph was 'its almost vertical'. Here is the same graph using the same vertical spacing except one has a lot more data points on it, ie it's a lot more squashed. See how one looks a lot more vertical than the other? A lot more extreme?
I've suggested it a thousand time, but once more, even though you'll ask me again in another week: You educate people that early treatment of breathing difficulties leads to a far better prognosis, like thousands of times better. The country invests in oxygen production, mobile oxygen delivery, and training personnel to teach people how to administer oxygen themselves with a face mask. This is not a ventilator it's just oxygen. People are treated with mild breathing difficulties at home or in the nightingale hospitals we built. Not staffed by 100s of nurses or doctors, but by people trained to administer oxygen and teach people how administer it themselves. As such we stop hospitals being overwhelmed. We invest in quick result testing for anyone working/visiting vulnerable people and face masks for these people that really do filter viruses. We stop with these mass testing programs that are costing billions and doing nothing. We stop lockdown that is costing billions and doing nothing. Yo cannot stop a virus, you just delay it a bit. We think, we look at what we've done and evaluate it, look at what could be done and try new approaches, and just stop this idiocy.
Not sure about the small populations thing - China is reasonably large, south Korea has a population of over 50 Million, Japan has double the UK population, Taiwan has around 25Million in an area not much bigger than Wales. but they did catch the virus and track it early - something we failed spectacularly to do - and also wasted the summer when it was fairly low numbers. Doesnt help us now - I genuinely dont know how we get out of the hole we are now in without a period where the NHS is truly overwhelmed
The fact that you rule it out so condescendingly without suggesting that a group of full time, well paid people figure that out, is interesting. You can now get tested at Heathrow Airport and have a result in 80 minutes before boarding a flight. We have 600,000 people out of work from hospitality alone. Surely there's an alignment there that could create a strategy around the vulnerable?
Fair enough but I believe the ones from Japan Taiwan and South Korea, and I believe China has the virus mostly under control now
China literally locked people away. On pain of death. The others caught it before it was endemic. They'd had previous scares and were prepared. New Zealand and Australia, nobody lives there and very few people go. We can't prevent a steady flow of people into this country unless we're prepared to starve. Australia, for example, have got single ranches that could feed the entire population. It's horses for courses and our Covid-19 horse bolted before we were within ten miles of the stable.
I rule it out because I don't believe it possible to protect the vulnerable and act like nothing is happening for everyone else. In that situation the virus would be so prevalent in the 'outside world' that no interaction can take place whatsoever between the two groups. No carers, no delivery drivers, no family, no emergency services etc. That's ignoring the fact that non-vulnerable people have been hospitalised, have died and have ended up with serious long term effects. It just seems like such an insane strategy and I don't see how it can possibly work without overloading the NHS and killing 10s if not 100s of thousand more people.
If only we'd had warning weeks before it happened... If only there was a country in Europe that went through it before we did, that we could have learned lessons from. If only we'd have locked down earlier, when yourself and others on here were shouting from the rooftops that a lockdown will never happen and we should go for herd immunity.
Jay has already listed many strategic options. There is another way, despite how much you want to argue there isn't. With 80 minute test results, which might even be able to be shortened further with the right effort and resources, carers and front line workers could be protected better than they are now. Would that be an improvement? Would that be a positive step? Nobody is suggesting other people act like nothing is happening. Where did you read that? But 'everyone else' can go about their daily lives, under restrictions, but not in a national lockdown.
Some dire warnings on here. Something has to change but by this stage the tories have ****** it so much no one knows how
I asked last time and you never responded. Have you got any evidence that A) we have the capacity to expend oxygen delivery like that. Where do the staff come from, for example? and B) that it even works?
The only country that really tried that was Sweden where it’s been a resounding (and deadly) failure. Other than ditching the idiot Johnson and replacing him with a gift of national unity ( which won’t happen). There seem to be no answers
There's plenty acting like everyone else should be able to live without restrictions. Without masks, social distancing etc. Not in this thread in particular, but there are people on this forum that believe that. Just the other day we had db3k arguing that once the vulnerable are vaccinated we should go back to having full football stadiums without any restrictions.