I don't know about your kids mate but mine goes home late afternoon. We don't know whether the vaccine stops the spread or not as far as i know.
You mean after getting three days notice ? Do you know the actual take up for online lessons? Around 20% of children engaged with online learning
I think most everybody on this forum cares massively (sorry about that word) about the entire spectrum of society badly affected by this disaster, we just get on with it. I care about all sections of society, that's why I'm proud to be a socialist. Immensely proud
I am. There are many people working in protected industries sat in their nice homes getting nice money who do not care about those struggling but won't admit it.
No he's right. I want him to lose his job, along with everyone else that can't work from home. I hope they lose their jobs, never get them back and the government introduce a rule that anyone that lost their job due to a lockdown in ineligible for any benefits. It's the only thing that makes sense. It can't possibly that I want lockdowns to protect lives and protect the economy long term. Can't possibly be that I want the government to support everyone more than they are during this time. I've certainly not been advocating for UBI for the duration of this since the start. All I want is poverty. Kill the poor.
We needed a full and forceful lockdown ten or eleven months ago. If we had, we probably wouldn’t need one now. But we do need it ST. You were completely against lockdown before and won’t concede ground now, and I wouldn’t expect you to either. However, your argument has fundamental flaws. You quote the ten year old in your family - a son, nephew, grandson, I don’t know. That is a terrible situation and for him this will be awful. But that isn’t the case for everyone. I have a nine and six year old. They didn’t start wetting the bed last time, I doubt they will this time. My nine year old found it exceptionally difficult and displayed massive anxiety - not in lockdown, but when she had to return to school in September. What she went back to wasn’t at all what school was before and she really struggled for a long time. (The six year old didn’t appear to really care that much, just takes everything in her stride bless her. She’s upset now as her best friend won’t get to see her new short hair tomorrow now [they were off today in Donny], and she wanted to see her teachers to show it off too). My eldest, however, 13, obviously in secondary school, has been frightened to death of going to school since September when he first went back. He’s not been happy going at all, he’s frightened not that he’s going to get ill, but that he’ll get or carry Covid, and pass it on to his great-grandmother (my nanna), either directly or by giving it to his nanna (my mum) who cares for her daily. There are as many “im not alright jack’s” as there are “I’m alright jack’s”, the ones moaning on either side of the argument. I was,until last week, and for the last nine and a half years, a contractor in financial services working indirectly for a bank. My contract expired on 31/12, after nine and a half years, and I find myself unemployed. I have been offered and accepted a new position, on less than half the pay, on a flexible working contract (essentially zero hours terms), and not starting until Monday 1st February. I strongly suspect this tonight will mean that role won’t start at the date it is meant to - if at all. Which means me and my family are financially pretty much ******. I can’t be furloughed from a job I don’t have. This is a disaster for us from a pounds, shillings and pence perspective. But that won’t mean I’m going to preach that this shouldn’t happen. It has to. If the funny haired buffoon had acted properly last year it wouldn’t be necessary, but he didn’t, and it is. You are the only person I’ve seen anywhere that has made any suggestion that we should just isolate the elderly. It is plainly flawed as a plan, and whilst the detriments to lockdown are as plain, we need to do it
Exactly. Cant stand the generalisations. 'All the suicides, self harm's about to kick off' but 'most people dont care about mental health.' Actually most people DO care about mental health. Titus is right @SuperTyke, aim your anger at the right people and stop with the generalizing. You make some good points but they're misplaced.
Then don't reply. You chose to reply and to reply once again simply saying 'you need to calm down' which for a mental health professional is a ******* pathetic thing to say.
What about the mental health of the 12 year old that took the virus into the home and put his Mum and Grand mother in intensive care and sadly in his grand mother case a coffin, nobody wants this but sometimes we don't get what we want.
Said so at the time. Utter lunacy. Although Johnson is claiming it is all down to the new variant....
A sombre reading. I hope things improve. I have similar issues but I always am optimistic (until tonight)!
Not all elderly people live alone in houses of only elderly people. Not all people with underlying conditions live purely with other people with underlying conditions. The only way your plan would work is if we move all elderly people into care homes (and we can’t even protect the ones who are in them already) and all people with underlying health problems into special housing together. Family units are complex things and there hundreds of thousands of kids and adults going to school and work who come home to vulnerable people or visit them to care for them. Those who have to go to school and work need to be as safe as possible there so they don’t catch it and bring it home. If someone’s colleague who doesn’t have a vulnerability or live with someone who does can just go and do whatever they want, they are putting the first person and their family at risk.
We can move about 20,000 of them into nightingale hospitals. We could move a lot more if we put an ounce of effort into converting more places too. It's a start.