So you would give vulnerable elderly people and those with disabilities and the 13 million obese people over to the care of who exactly? It’s a very eugenic approach luckily not one that any Govt would be crazy enough to implement
Yeah I had a nice break, made some good food (cooked in the blood of the poor as I like to do, you know how it is) and came back. Where are the staff coming from then if it’s not understaffed? All the staff would have to live on site too, remember. There’s hardly going to be a long queue for recruitment. You’re going to need carers, chefs, medical staff etc. Probably an IT department. All living within a convention centre for 6 months at least. Sounds like a right laugh. You’d also need one in every town don’t forget. That’s a lot of staff and buildings to find, don’t you think?
If he's wearing the super hero supertyke suit, it would be worth a tenner. He always gives the impression he's quite taut.
Rapid testing that is not 100% accurate. It’s good enough for most uses, but it’s not something that can be 100% trusted. As soon as there’s a single case inside it’s game over. Even not living on site it’s a lot of staff to find in every town. And you’ll struggle to get a building in every town big enough to hold everyone over 50, everyone with conditions and everyone who is otherwise vulnerable. Unless you include all those groups, hospitals will continue to be overrun.
Just giving you the facts of what has happened in the past - probably again it's all that advanced notice the schools got they were closing. Schools now have learning policies in place and I'm sure it will change - had quite a bit to do the last couple of days I would imagine.
Perhaps I shouldn't have worded it that way, @Wilmersdorfer Winky worded it better in that it is inflammatory. You are acting as if you are the only one affected by this and you are not at all. I've been close to suicide on two occasions in 2020, the most recent being in mid Sept. Neither due to Covid situation. My own mental health has nearly cost me my job and im on the brink of being redeployed as it stands. All while im trying to support others with their mental health. I live alone for most of the week and have no access to my parents or friends like many people do. Im sick of it now. Turning on other people on here isn't the answer. That's why I said you need to calm down. You don't know what other people are going through.
Hope they are going to up the staffing levels in the job centres cos there are going to be a lot of people walking through the doors soon
And boom, we've just had the text saying school won't have him. Good news is the nurse now stays at home away from covid.
This wasn't a report of a Twitter post it was a doctor working at a London hospital on Covid wards stating that the new variant was making more young people seriously ill than the old variant did that was his personal experience at work today not some "expert" looking at weeks old data. You obviously have issues with these restrictions I do too my job is at serious risk despite the fact I'm considered a key worker but it's been obvious since before Christmas that despite Bojo the clowns claims that the virus was under control it wasn't and that a lockdown was inevitable. youre fond of expert's opinion how about the one that said we need the lockdown to lessen the number of people infected whether they are made Ill or not because the more people who are infected the greater the chance of a devastating mutation developing and the next variant might be much more deadly as well as more likely to spread let's just do what it takes to prevent things getting even worse.
At this point in time, in the current circumstances and the state the NHS is in, there isn’t another option.
I don’t think you can make anywhere close to a huge dent, no. And even a huge dent I don’t think is enough to make any difference to the bottom line. Hospitals would be overrun. The mental health of those inside would be degraded to unfathomable levels. I’m really struggling to see how this helps in the slightest. It’s worth remembering that no matter what you think of me. I do not want lockdown. Nobody wants lockdown. It’s awful. But it’s necessary. I’m ******* livid at the government for not providing the support they should have to those that are out of work or otherwise struggling. That’s where the anger should be. It’s perfectly possible to stop the spread of the virus while also protecting the economy and ensuring people are cared for. Our government have chosen not to. They’ve put us with their inaction and their initial “herd immunity” approach that was never backed by science, in a state of limbo that it’s going to be a long road back from.
Yes, its bloody terrible for every single person in one way or another. It's no wonder people get angry, frustrated, suicidal, aggressive or just want to blame someone or something. Some people are heroically dealing with the whole thing day in day out and still managing to get 'normal' stuff like work, kids, DIY done on top. Well done to you for keeping your head above water mate and best wishes to everyone else on here who is struggling to cope. Regards.
Baffling how many posts this guy makes along the lines ‘all these selfish people don’t think about people like ME’ while being flippant and generally disrespectful about the risk to the vulnerable and indeed the idea that there is any risk to those younger. I have refrained from responding to the OP’s increasingly worrying posts and I sincerely hope he gets through this in a better position than he currently appears, but some of the comments here are really disappointing. Many, if not most on here will have experienced the horrendous and powerless feeling someone who has been either severely affected or worse by this awful virus. It is unquestionable to my mind that measures are required to stop more experiencing that. He talks about mental health but as others alluded to in this thread, my mental health is far harder hit when the measures have been relaxed more and I’ve been forced into positions that it could be feasible to pass on the virus to someone and the potential implication of that. The simple fact is he has this idea of this all being the construct of ‘protected industries’ (whatever that is) when this is an awful situation that due to serious negligence by those in charge has been made far worse due to inactivity. A proper lockdown including travel restrictions could have seen us somewhat going back to normal by now (like New Zealand or Australia) with fewer lives lost and less economic damage than we are and have suffered. As it is, without the modest lockdown now being proposed this will only get worse and I think it is important that we don’t lose sight of that. May you all come out of this the best that you can. ps troff, I was extremely saddened to read your story and hope things turn out ok.
Thank you, I appreciate it. I have days when I really struggle and want to kill myself but my amazing girlfriend and daughter keep me going.
I can't believe anyone is actually going to the trouble of discussing this abomination of an idea with him. If I didn't already believe the world has gone totally bonkers, I certainly do now.