In light of several matches being called off due to Covid infections, and the new variant rampaging through the population, infections soaring, added to the inability of some high profile players to stick to the rules, should we stop all games now?
Cancelled or not is a matter for the football authorities. Certainly all play should be suspended while we are in a "lockdown"
Yea. If it’s too dangerous for kids to get an education it’s too dangerous for blokes to chase a ball round.
The fact that so many footballers have had NYE parties etc shows that they have no concept of the COVID risk, aren't being a good role model and therefore I think it should be suspended for now.
Yes. I cant see (as i put in the Derby Wendy thread) the season getting fulfilled anyway so what's the point in putting folk in danger. Some teams already have 5-6 games to catch up and are already scheduled to play twice a week before a catch up is arranged. As much as I'd miss watching it even on TV the sooner we can return to been able to watch it in grounds the better. If that means sacrificing this season then so be it.
On balance, no, I don’t think so. the number of footballers involved is negligible in comparison to the entire population. The risk created is therefore low compared to say schools in terms of onward transmission, especially given level of testing. Offset that against the benefits it brings to people in terms of entertainment / sanity during severe infringement in their liberties, I think it should continue.
They should certainly look at their practices. Rotherham should not have been made to play us after their Covid outbreak. That we could watch half a dozen of our players hugging and kissing Alex Mowatt (Yes there was actual kissing) the day before he tested positive for Covid and not a single word even said about it is clearly ridiculous. I'm not against football continuing, but let's see a bit of responsibility. There's zero. And a lot of them are coming across as real wn4kers at the moment. Players in our team particularly. Don't sit at home texting the commentator of a game when you have a virus that's killed tens of thousands and put hundreds of thousands more into poverty. You fk*cing morons.
No, of course it isn’t. But you could extend that argument to say all football should be banned because players have died from heart complications playing the game. It’s a matter of balance of risk I think. Appreciate that not everyone agrees, and it’s an emotive subject.
Whose kicking footballs at people's nan's? That's well out of order. Football is fortunate that they have covid testing and can afford it in the higher levels. I think for people's sanity like Chef Tyke has said, it should continue. Can't be doing with likes of Grealish and Walker taking the piss though.
Sorry my reply was overly flippant I grant you. Its confusing really as the message is work from home if you can. Which clearly footballers can't, but then we have shur bone essential retail, hospitality and entertainment. So I'm not sure where the line is risk vs reward at all.
Agreed and I was going to caveat what I said by stating what you and Jay say above - many players need to take a long hard look at their current levels of conduct and start taking responsibility
Just a consideration, but do you think that footballers are worse than other members of society of the same age demograph? Or is a footballer having friends round more newsworthy than Dave from accounts? I'm not defending their behaviour by the way.