Totally understand that, but, would have made sense to announce that online learning be brought on once everyone had time to get things sorted. Maybe next week, and schools didn't have to rip themselves to pieces within 24 hours. I do expect it to work eventually, but not this morning
Government and sense don't go hand in hand with this government - I know there are a lot of stressed out heads and school leaders out there
13million obese these lockdowns won't be helping the obese help themselves gyms shut, outdoor training closed, takeaways open. 13million obese people are already a big enough burden on the NHS before covid.
You ve got to look at Central planning . It's not like COVID has caught them by suprise this time . They ve had months to cover this eventuality but instead just sent the kids back to school and thought that was that . Even handing out laptops turns into a disaster . That should be the easy bit but they can't even get that right . What hope have we of them even creating some form of workable online platform . None because the education system have been left high and dry through complete lack of management and strategy .
Not disagreeing, I emailed my lads school in November asking exactly how they plan on dealing with remote learning. You know, to be prepared. I never got a response, so they are partly at fault. As is the government for not ensuring these plans were in place. So, my kids today have spent most of the day playing games. Had **** all else to do
Seriously, schools were on their knees trying to work things out last term. I think being a teacher must be a bit like being a football manager, everyone thinks its easy, and could do a better job! At least Johnson has now finally announced exams won't go ahead.
Same as . TBH school since September has been a bit of a waste of time not that the kids will have anything to show for it as it's another year down the pan . Ironically it's the states responsibility to educate your children just as it is yours to make sure your child receives said education . Just think if you decided not to send your child to school ? You d be threatened with prison and large fines . When it's the other way round then things tend to get swept under the carpet .
In addition I think schools knew it was on the cards potentially after rumours at the weekend but to drop it on them at 8pm the night before like that is taking the piss. Not just for teachers but for us parents too.
Who’s going to staff them then? Given everyone else is going to be back to normal, the hospitals are likely to be pretty busy so there’s not likely to be too many health professionals to spare
To be fair laptops are like hen's teeth at the minute - my company supply them to schools and we can't get hold of them for love nor money.
I've nothing to add, other than wishing everyone the best. Instead of turning on each other, let's work together.
Not suggesting I could so a better job But to blatantly disregard my query was something else. I knew they would be using MS Teams, and simply asked how they would work. Cos when the lads are at their mothers, they only have a mobile to deal with it. And I was pointing out to them, that i wasnt paying for 2 laptops and their mother would have to. I've already got them PCs at over a grand a pop. It was a simple query as to how a typical lesson would evolve. I was ignored
There maybe a few laptops available at the schools- as I saidabove they are are in short supply ( huge demand and the issue with China hasn't helped). One school I work in was lucky enough to get 40 (I know as I set them up - they aren't high spec but will allow the children to get online. Some schools I know have bought tablets as well. Quite familiar with various platforms - Teams, classroom , seesaw etc - if you need any advice I'd be happy to help