In French but worth a read with the help of Google translate . Evidence growing over there that the majority of asymptomatic cases of COVID have come from schools which has led to this surge of cases across Europe .
Definitely feeling this. Lockdown was hard in the better weather Oh well, I'll just carry on with those jobs I didn't finish last Lockdown. Really hoping I get furloughed again.
Some fairly chilling information about teachers coming out. Seems that Williamson deliberately sat on these numbers.
Surely not. The constant increase in numbers from September onwards... schools? I thought it was because everyone was ignoring rules. And pubs being open and all that....
Easy for people to say he should have shut schools sooner and lockdown. Its a generation of children's education your playing with, people about to do gcses and alevels etc which will have a big impact on there futures, peoples business going under, redundancys happening at record rates(wait untill furlough finally ends aswell) mental health problems rising, alcoholism rising, drug use rising, child abuse rising. These lockdowns are awful and do more harm than good especially long term damage.
Another place high on the spreaders lists are supermarkets in the 1st lockdown people queued outside supermarkets limited numbers. After that lockdown ended everyone in places were rammed especially over Xmas people getting in others personal space, touching stuff putting it back, 5 people family's walking around the place.
This lockdown is the only option left after 12 months of fück ups. There isn't another option to take, well apart from do nothing and crush the NHS and kills 10s of 1000s of people. I own businesses, I don't want redundancies, I don't want education to suffer but due to the mishandling of this pandemic if we don't lock down, then the next 3-6 months would be catastrophic. We are at breaking point. The virus is ravaging the country and doubling every couple of days, if it continues to multiply at the same rate then Doctors and nurses will have to start deciding who's life to save. We'll be at survival of the fittest. We all want the same thing btw, we all want to be back as normal as soon as possible.
I said after the 1st lockdown okay the numbers are down were in summer so its ideal time to stop the spread. But in 3 months we will be back to square one. The lockdown 2 came abit half hearted but it had some effect but it was obvious a 3rd was looming. Here we are 3 lockdowns in, lockdowns just delay the spread for abit. Hopefully the vaccine is rolled out effectively to the most vulnerable and by March we see some sort of normality. But after 3 lockdowns the damage will be long lasting.
The problem wasn’t locking down, it was locking down too late and not strongly enough. He did it two weeks too late, and I mean back in March last year. He’s done it too late again - but all of the issues now stem from the inaction and mismanagement from the very beginning.
yes but sadly with gas our lass can flick the switch too easily herself, when we had solid fuel,the poker was out every night
The issue with schools is that if they had the information re teachers and sat on it deliberately for political reasons then that’s a vastly different issue to shutting schools. It’s deliberately hiding information to put employees at risk. Raw data needs analysing first but if it is correct then Williamson is in a whole heap of ****.
I think there's a little bit more to it for me . This is from 7 months ago . Oops . Seems like the unions / local councils were on to something but like with anything else like opening up pubs again political will seems to be the overriding factor as apposed to common sense .