How about we point out blatant Lies from out Tory Masters. first whopper of the year goes to they just can’t help it. Even when any 2 year old could check and find it’s a total mistruth they don’t care and do it anyway just in case anyone has any doubt there is a customs border between the UK mainland and Northern Ireland.
Thought you were going to say Paul Warne the other day when he said that the Millers would be only able to put out a bench with only 3 subs on .
Sunak saying today that we can now remove the tampon tax.....even though we could have as part of the EU(Germany have) and the Tories voted against it in 2015. Also....a little montage
I was laughing at the faith and trust in the British media. I assume he must be five years old if that’s where he puts his trust. Let’s just weigh that up on the trust scale shall we? Politicians v British media??? Mmmmm I’ll go with Harold Shipman if that’s ok.
Fair enough but it's the media's job to report these things and when it is not stopped at source (government) then report that too.
This thread will never end every time a front bench Tory politician and most Tory backbench M.P's open there mouths they tell a lie if they tell the truth the whip is withdrawn. It should be a tell the truth thread ho but just hod on we would not receive a single post.
So of the 30 million OAZ vaccines said to be available "by autumn", it seems that only half of these have been produced by the first week in January. More bluster, blunder and blatent lies by this incompetent shower of shysters.
We can now also ban pulse fishing (Belgium and France did in 2019 and the rest of the EU from this year) and the only 3 pulse fishing boats in British waters were all... British.
The thing is your average Express “reader” probably thinks that Sunday’s paper is spot on We are British and control our own fish. And is outraged at Foreigners stopping out fisherman fishing where they have every right to fish and won’t link the 2 Seems the absolute set if two hats have thrown our musicians under the big bus. The big red 350 million quid bus no doubt.
It would appear so. So desperate to keep foreigners out that we refused a reciprocal deal with the EU to allow performers visa free access for 90 days because ..... Nope a raving Brexit looney will have to come up with a good reason because I can’t even think of a dumb one