A little piece called Ode to Joy by some old git called Beethoven. Its so obscure I can't find a clip of it anywhere
I actually prefer the full version but it's a bit long for this purpose so... During the first lockdown I went for a walk and I didn't see a soul. I sat down beneath a tree in the middle of the field and listened to the full version
Not my normal taste in music but just so good... https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&r...=NIuyDWzctgY&usg=AOvVaw3ARqBl7VwZ9B3G7RCu4kEn
Dobie looks the coolest guy ever, reminds me of my outfit when I came out of wishbourne ash about the same era, but i always had a parting in my hair but not to the left because my dad said I would grow up homo sexual