Has anyone got any press cuttings / reports from that night? I used to have some but they are long gone. Have got myself into an argument with a Liverpool fan who tells me I’m talking nonsense regarding no of Barnsley fans that night, and that we were in 3 parts of the ground.
I can't point to any evidence except that of my own eyes and memory which tell me that the away end was packed with Barnsley fans that night. I also remember listening to the local radio station whilst sat on the M62 in the fog, which said that there were thousands of Barnsley fans sitting in the same jam as us. Me and my dad arrived at Anfield just after half time, this despite the kickoff being delayed by 15 minutes. I honestly couldn't say how many were there but I would think that the club should have a record of the number of tickets sold at Oakwell. That number is only a minimum because the game wasn't all-ticket.
We were involved in a 3 car pile-up on the fog- stricken M62. Thankfully no-one was hurt. We managed to see the last 20-25 minutes. We were sat in the main stand along with hundreds of Barnsley fans. The old Anfield Road end was chocker bloc full. It was said by the time the final whistle blew they were around 17000 Barnsley fans in the ground
Went to that one on the train, thousands of us being escorted to the ground, i think we took 16,000 there if my memory is right, Colin Walker i think scored for us, got tanked in the replay though.
Haven’t read through this thread but we were talking about that game 12 years ago on here! http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/that-liverpool-match-1982.87801/
We got in late about 15 mins after kick off, the away end was packed, we were sat in the Kemlin Road Stand right at the Kop end so I presume that stand was all us and I definitely saw a few reds fans in the stand opposite so yes,I would say we filled 2 sides of the ground with others in the 3rd side. As to the numbers I can only go with a guess of 15000+.
That particular night we were MASSIVE. Never ever has there been a more massiver set of fans. Ever. It took me six weeks to get home.
I was there as a 8-9 year old. We'd met a LFC family the previous year on holiday. As my Dad was the journalist at the time we had to go thro early and missed the fog to meet up with the Scousers. He'd signed me out of school so I could go at dinnertime. No real recollection of the game but i stood on the Kop with the family. Seen loads since and estimates of 18-20k there. Suppose well never know exactly.
[QUOTE=" Never ever has there been a more massiver set of fans. Ever. It took me six weeks to get home.[/QUOTE] Wasn't that because of the snow though?
Only went to replay at home. A Dalglish master class & for me the best individual opposition performance I ever saw at Oakwell. Colin Walker also ended Phil Thompson’s career that night with a late, not nasty tackle. The press had a field day, when they found out Colin used to be a bin man..
Wasn't that because of the snow though? [/QUOTE] Fog, mainly. Snake pass was apparently a death trap that night..
Yes. But my abiding memory from that night was Souness "doing" Ray McHale before the ball had left the centre circle at the kickoff. They knew he was a threat and Souness as usual was the hatchet man. We did ok, took the lead but once bloody Souness equalised just before half time there was only one team in it.
That’s right, mate. Ray was, & still is, very underrated for what he did in that Barnsley side. I think he was told to stop Kenny playing, so his ‘minder’, Souness, went after him. &, to be honest, won that battle. Ray should have Vinnie Jonesed him in the first minute..
Went on the train as a 10yr old with my dad cos my local pub wanted adults only on their bus so they could have a decent swill. I saw the whole game whilst they were stuck on the foggy M62. We took loads if I recall. Plenty of fights going off on the way back to Liverpool lime street