Not letting people in without masks u less they are medically exempt. I thought that was the rule anyway so what will change are they going to make people prove it?
They don't need to, any trader is not legally obliged to serve anyone who turns up. Just like a pub landlord can refuse entry on to his premises.
We've been through this before! You're not allowed to refuse based on a protected characteristic. This includes disability, so it's tricky to turn away anybody not wearing a mask because if they claim they're not wearing one due to a medical condition then you could be acting illegally by refusing them entry or asking them to prove it.
But if you can prove that you have been discriminated against because of a disability then that's another matter. Refusing to serve a disabled person because they won't tell you the specifics of their disability would count. I'm not saying that's what Morriosns are going to do but it's a fine line.
Under disability discrimination a supermarket or pub could be on dodgy ground by refusing entry. Hopefully if Morrisons are a bit keener on reminding folks about masks, more of those that simply can't be arsed will start to do so. Everytime I've been to the shops the vast majority are wearing them.
We need some kind of mask exemption certificate. Like you have for prescriptions or public transport. If you're exempt, apply for a card and show that. No requirement to disclose further than showing a card at Morrisons, same as you don't have to tell a chemist how you're disabled in order to get free prescriptions. Beyond that, wear a mask. Although it'll never happen.
Just been on the Scottish news. Morrison’s will not allow admission to their Scottish stores if a mask is not worn. And quite right.
And the vulnerable disabled people who are actually exempt could well end up being the ones who are actually disadvantaged.
Nothing will change, those who are exempt remain exempt. Those who refuse to wear them become exempt. Its a cracking marketing ploy. Come to Morrisons look at what we are doing to keep you safe.
Except some people with anxiety and certain disabilities may be too apprehensive to shop at Morrisons. I really worry about blanket decision like this. It's not the idea behind them that is usually wrong but the people enforcing it.
An example of a very badly written law if there are no listed examples of situations where the discrimination law can be superceded. Whilst the intent is good to counter discrimination against disability it is nonsense in the current situation enabling anyone to flout the rules (law) by not wearing a mask without having to prove the legitimacy of their claim to be exempt. Out of curiosity does that mean if challenged by the police the same law applies and they can basically (metaphorically) put two fingers up and tell the police to get lost? It is farcical to have two contradictory laws on the statute books. Frankly IF I was in that situation i.e. exempt through a relevant disability e.g. chronic emphysema I would be happy to provide proof of medical exemption if challenged. I am sure there would probably be some sufferers in a former mining area. Nevertheless, I wonder how many on here that are arguing against businesses refusing entry for lack of evidence are actually exempt themselves or just stirring thing up or being 'arsey' for the sake of it?.
I have two children with Autism, I have volunteered helping adults with similar disabilities. I'm not being "arsey" I'm explaining how some these people who only just manage to get by and have already had support from so many sources cut off, will be the ones who suffer from things like this. They may not be able to process why they are being asked, why things have changed. Not everyone has a carer or someone to help.them through what most consider the simple things in life.
they wont care, they lose one with anxiety and gain 3 without from Asda then the net spend increases. . .
Asked a doctor friend the other day about exemptions. Her view was that if you were suffering from an illness that would confer exemption why would you not be shielding during a pandemic where the infection is respiratory
I do not wish to be callous and you are talking extreme examples here but, If they are vulnerable due to being so severely psychologically impaired that processing a simple question or being able to show some evidence when asked then would/should they be out shopping on their own unaccompanied. I used to assess people with physical and psychological impairments e.g. people with cerebral Palsy including those with Spina Bifida and people post trauma (e.g. head injuries from car/motorcycle accidents) . I also taught them (those who passed assessment) and advised them and referred them to various places that carried out adaptations on vehicle. Not disputing it is difficult for some people but you also have to look at the bigger picture. Businesses have a duty of care to employees and other customers and if they feel at risk from people not wearing a mask then they should be entitled to refuse access. My point was the contradictory nature of two laws that in isolation make sense but when combined make no sense whatsoever. Finally, I appreciate the difficulties you must encounter on a daily basis given your situation, without needing to know where they are on the Spectrum but in any case you have my respect and admiration for coping.