Hopefully she doesn't have many patients approaching her with advice/help with their depression, anxiety or numerous other mental health conditions.
I agree about the 2 laws point you were driving at. Volunteering genuinely shocked me at how many people with serious difficulties have to fend for themselves the majority of the time. It's one of my biggest fears for my own children, when I am no longer here for them. Its heartbreaking some of the suffering that goes on. This isn't me bashing Morrisons, I understand the intent behind the move. I just hope they have to sufficiently train staff to look for signs of vulnerable people. Sadly I fear that won't be the case.
How would your kids react to having to wear was a mask and could they be 'talked round' into accepting them? It's one of those disabilities that we all know of but not many people really understand
I thought doctors were intelligent. She sounds absolutely thick. I'm a full on cabbage and even I was educated quite early on in the mask/no mask debate that there are more reasons than being about to die of breathing difficulties why some people are unable to wear a mask.
One would mostly like rip it straight off if I could even get it on, he's none verbal so reasoning with him is difficult even though he understands most of what we say to him. The other just depends, hes very intelligent and would fully understand the reasoning, but I think he would refuse. He struggles with change greatly. It took years of work and perseverance to get him to wear a hat and gloves. We also have a battle every summer to get him back into t shirts and shorts. Then a battle to go back the other way in winter. Something as simple as wearing shorts because it's hot can lead to massive meltdown and him being unable to control his emotions. To us a lot of these things just fall into the every day grind of our lives and we just get on with it. It's only when you step back and look at it you see how things most take for granted and a real challenge.
If you have mental health issues of course that’s different but if you have breathing issues so severe that you can’t wear a mask she’s right why would you be toddling round when there is a deadly respiratory disease doing the rounds?
That of course is completely different. Mental health issues are not her field respiratory diseases are. From a common sense point of view if you are so anxious that you can’t wear a mask wouldn’t the thought of going out without the same protections as anyone else make you more so.
very sad, my nephew had a thing of only going to bed when street lamp came on in street,my aunty and uncle were at there wits end in summertime
Blimey. I never thought about the summer clothes, winter clothes problem. Sounds like it's hard work for you (obviously) but shows how people adapt in that it's just part of the daily life to you now while to someone who isn't used to it it sounds like an absolute nightmare
It is exactly what I said my reference was people stating they have physical issues that prevent mask wearing not mental health ones. Though if you are genuinely suffering anxiety wouldn’t walking around not wearing a mask when every mine else is. It make you anxious?
Yes she's definitely right but her answer about exemptions and completely ignoring the mental disabilities says a lot sadly. I've said it a few times but this pandemic has proved that despite what everyone claims mental illness and mental disabilities are not considered a serious issue by so many.
They want to get their staff to wear theirs properly first; at least two this evening with their snotter hanging out. Oh and the lazy barsted bouncers need to clear the youffs drinking directly outside the entrance.
I think it's the person's right not to wear a mask but I should be able to refuse to deal with them. Just because they're exempt doesn't mean they can't spread the virus.
I wouldn't like to judge who someone who suffers from anxiety and any number of other conditions would react. As for the first point that's not how i interrupted it as you said "any" illness. Apolosgies if i misunderstood the point you were making. Yes if you have a respiratory illness then you should avoid mixing in general mask or otherwise. Many who are exempt don't fall into that category.
Sorry made me smile that, clocks changing is another fun one in our house. When the clocks go forward my eldest has to stay up until they do because he doesn't want to "lose" a hour. So I can totally understand the street light one!
That may not be what sparks your anxiety. An example, which may explain why folk blindly bleating on about "no mask no entry", people faking it, claiming to be exempt, not caring about others etc really boils my proverbial........My Mrs was in an abusive marriage for 15yrs, was regularly non fatally (obviously) strangled, taunted that she would be strangled in her sleep, pillow forced on her face, told she better stay awake as she'd get suffocated when she slept .....and more for years. When we go on holiday, I love swimming, I love snorkelling, we love wildlife. She cannot join in, she cannot have a mask or anything touching her face or over her face, no goggles, so that also rules out skiing, it may seem petty, but it things we could do together. Cannot wear a motorbike helmet, just about copes with a cycling helmet. Trust me we've tried, but major panic attacks ensue, it's just impossible. It is not a choice to just avoid wearing a mask. Now does she, should she, have to explain any of that to anyone.