I (as in I could organise via my employer) for £30 could provide enough sliced ham, turkey, beef, Corned beef or pork to last two weeks providing 4 sandwiches per day. Enough Lettuce, cucumber and carrots to provide the above. Enough bread to provide the above. 20 pieces of fruit, enough for 2 per day. 10 baking potatoes 1 x2kg tin of tuna 1 X 2kg bag of cheese 10 bags of crisps 10 yoghurts 10 soft drinks such as Capri sun, fruit shoot or fruit juices. And that's without trying or putting any thought into it
I wonder if you did the same as me. Just wrote a whole post in reply to someone and then thought 'Do you know what? Sod it'.
Another thing too, as we are really struggling to get the boxes dropped off, there are still some of last week's outstanding to be delivered. Not only does that mean they've not had the food but if the contents are anything like these then I wouldn't fancy the sweaty clingfilm wrapped ham a week late.
Ive used Aldi for a comparable however I shop around and get my stuff cheaper. Porridge - 75p per Kg - 7.5p Eggs - you can get them for £1.18 - 7.9p an egg - 32p Cheese is £1.79 for 400g 10-15p at the most, what kind of lunatic wants to eat 2oz of cheese for lunch. Bread 45p a loaf. Around 20 slices. 8p So 58p. From a shop I dont use. For tea I had 500g of chicken thighs - 80p Olive oil with some BBQ marinade from the butchers. Pence. Rice - wholegrain 140g 10p some salad out of a bag. 50p a bag. I had a 1/3 so 17p some coleslaw 25p Yogurt later. 45p Pint of milk 25p coffee- pence. Total for the day including the butter coffee marinade etc will not even touch 3 quid. Its not difficult shopping on a budget if you are willing to put the effort in.
Check that your school has applied for the additional £3.50 per hamper funding. This could be used to pay for your petrol/time etc for delivering them. From this document: https://www.gov.uk/government/publi...ugh-the-school-catering-team-or-food-provider "The government provides schools with funding to cover benefits-related free school meals. Schools can claim for additional funding of £3.50 per week for each eligible pupil receiving food parcel provision at home."
Tha taking **** to get to these so-called cheap shops you must have transport these people who need these food parcels are poor and need Transport to get to these Aldi shops (Stairfoot and Redbrook) who are both out of town meaning a long journey for some taking a good chunk of there £30 on bus fairs. Don't you realise its children we are talking about who receive a free school meal and this government as employed Chartwell's food to dish out these parcels spending no more than £6 on a food parcel when it should be £30 making a profit on every parcel of at least £20 it stinks and it stinks more when you realise that Chartwells are of the Compass group and are big Tory donors. It would not cap me if some Tory MP is anything to do with this cumpass group.
I would think the £3.50 would be to go towards extra food and I know we would all want that to be the case. I wish I knew what were in the packs now but they are all sealed up. I do know that our school has gone above and beyond with everything so far though so I'm certain that if they weren't up to scratch the school would supplement them themselves in some way.
To be fair there are quite a few Aldi and Lidl around now and jack's too. town centre, athersley, Stairfoot, cudworth, wombwell, birdwell, Royston, redbrook, goldthorpe. If anyone is struggling then budgeting and shopping at the places really does help and they can live off the amounts deetee suggests but at the same time that shouldn't detract from the fact that these hampers are a disgrace
No, I posted a clip of the Finnish Prime Minister that after a moment of reflection I thought objectified her for her appearance rather than her performance and deleted it. Trying to be a better person