Just watched the Blunts game. They get a penalty for hand ball, not one expert, pundit, referee or blind Barsteward at Stockley Park has seen or mentioned Billeh Sharp pulling Fernandez shirt leading up to the handball and then no review of serious foul play when Billeh was booked when it should have been a straight red. If we aren't going to use it properly we might as well bin it. And yes I'm bitter cos I despise them and wanted them to go a whole season without a win
I like VAR. It's better to have the right decision made than have a team relegated by a Referee from the Garry Willard School of refereeing.
Changing subject but I thought Rhian Brewster missed a trick with the off side rule. Under the rule play continues until the ball goes dead. Just in case something happens in the build up. I think it was 89 minutes and he was played through 2 yards off side but the linesman following the rules didn't flag. Why didn't he just run it into the corner and eat more time?