You aren't eating anywhere near enough portions of fruit or vegetables with that. I count one of your five a day. Add those in and the price will increase.
Never been a big fruit lover or veg really unless its with a roast. I have to be in the mood for it or chucking it in with what I am eating eg a Ragu or a curry both of which the bases are loaded otherwise it goes to waste. I am also about 400 calories below where I need to be for my BMR for the day. Maybe a few more. Not kill me.
1Kg of boned chicken thighs are about £3.30-3.50 in Aldi. We bought some on Saturday and froze half of them so it makes two meals for us.
There's an old saying "a drunken man tells the truth" And the truth is the Torys have made another one of there doners rich again by taking food out of the mouths of poor children by only using £5/6 of the allocated £30 people should be outraged. As the thread starts off government-lower than a snake's belly. Who gives a toss about you buying on the cheap its the children without a good meal in their bellies I'm bothered about. That's a rant.
Research into the food boxes sent to families between last March and July shows that the private firm charge £44 to the government for boxes with a retail value of £26 (and included unsuitable produce).....they are still waiting for a reply from the government
"Give a man a fish and he can feed himself for a day, but give him an eight of a fish and you can keep the rest for yourself" Ancient Tory proverb (Nicked off Facebook )
Quite why anyone is shocked by this is suprising to me as it's the tory way, £5 worth of snap for £30, £25 into the tory doners pocket. But Corbyn.....FFS.
I wish the TV companies would refuse to broadcast party political broadcasts until the spineless ******** we call "politicians" agree to actually answer the questions put to them by journalists. And it's not just the Tory party. You watch any interview with a politician, and if the question has even the slightest hint that it may paint them as a wrong 'un, they answer a completely different question. I mean, how hard was it for the odious plank to simply say, "yes, Piers. I made a decision I thought was right at the time but I see I was wrong", or "No, not at all. Although I am glad that something has been put in place, it's still my opinion that we shouldn't be feeding kids outside of their school meals". Have some ******** man and own up to your decisions...
When you have a situation that a MP will be in more trouble for accusing another MP of lying than the MP is for lying, they are always going to lie. It needs a strong, independent standards body with the power to suspend MPs (without pay) and force by-elections if the MP continues (with the ousted MP banned from standing again) to lie to Parliament or the public. Alright, we might have to hold enough by-elections for it to be a de facto general election (every quarter!), but it might eventually stop them. I'd also have MPs having to undertake mandatory training and pass an assessment before they can vote on any major policy area. If they are unable to pass the test, they can't vote. Don't take, or fail, too many and its by-election time.