Around 85k more deaths in 2020 than expected based on the five year average...... Around 300 deaths from Covid in the past 24 hours announced so far.....
The ONS is more accurate for figures and the numbers are often less than quoted by Govt and Press. Julia Hartley Brewer did a feature recently on her TalkRadio show with a senior NHS person and the issue is that they are classing people who die FROM covid with those who die WITH covid. It skews the numbers dramatically. I'm not saying it's not bad, but we're just not seeing the true figures.
I’m of a strong belief that absolutely anything believed by JHB is utter nonsense and to be dismissed at once. Opinions eh?
If you read the post again, it was the NHS person who provided the information, not the presenter. If you're saying it was utter nonsense and to be dismissed, you're saying you don't believe the NHS, which is where we came into the conversation in the first place.
Agreed, BBC reporting 88,917 excess deaths since 7th March 2020, but only up to Jan 1st 2021. Last 2 weeks figures not even added yet. This is going to get a lot worse As DWLC says-Grim
What I’m saying is that JHB will find stats to manipulate to push her own agenda. There’s more than one way to interpret a situation and JHB will always interpret something to push her own agenda. If she told me it was dark outside, I’d go look for myself.
I’d recommend if you want unbiased information to look at people like Chris Giles not Heartless Spewer.
Current ONS figures show 614114 died in England and Wales last year. This compares with 527000 in 2019.
It should. And it should be split into deaths of people whom a doctor has attributed the death to covid and all other deaths. Now that would make grim reading.
Merry xmas and a Happy New Year to you all. New strain, South African strain Brazillian strain come on Loris you aint stating it enuff.
It is. "Using the most up-to-date data we have available, the number of deaths up to 1 January 2021 was 614,096, which is 75,013 more than the five-year average. Of the deaths registered by 1 January 2021, 81,669 mentioned COVID-19 on the death certificate. This is 13.3% of all deaths in England and Wales." I did notice that this figure is 18 different from the one I quoted above, which is from a different ONS report. These figures should settle down in a couple of weeks to the exact numbers.