Good luck with it all. Its hard when goign through this - we had the same with our first on top of issues with his liver. We literally spent the first 3 months in and out of hospital and the childrens ward was horrendous. I had to even work out and setup the incubator as the alarm was goign off all the time as it wasnt setup and nurses didnt have a clue. They forgot to chase his bloods and he was in the danger zone and alsorts - an absolute catalogue of errors. Luckily he came through it all ok. The colic and reflux was a mare too - it was like WWF in his cot as he threw himself about and cant have been sleeping right. He also gave himself a hernia with the retching. The only thing that stopped it in the end was Omeprazole which basiclly reduces stomach acid so when it comes back up it doesnt burn or damage anything and so no pain. Soon as we backed off those pills to wean him off it came back. Eventually they grow out of it but its hard graft until they do. We also went through a plethora of other things before that and none had any effect.
Congratulations Shepley and family from me Laura and George. I'd have a football team if Laura would let me
Update: since this post things have improved, A LOT! Mabel is 10 weeks old today and slept through the whole night last night (8pm to 6.30am). If you’d have told me that when I posted this thread I wouldn’t have believed you. Mabel is now a mostly happy little girl and sleeping properly for her age, mum and dad are really enjoying parenthood now. Thanks again for all of your comments, it genuinely did help us through a tough time which has passed quicker than we expected. I’m sure there will be more bumps in the road but we’re just enjoying things for now.
Well in fella. You’ve done well to get her settled that quickly to be honest. Enjoy it, they’re soon teenagers and allergic to the shower and reasonable thought...
Really glad to hear that, well done for getting through it and I'm glad you can both start to enjoy being parents a bit more than you have been doing.
Glad to hear! I was at a loss what to answer to your OP, the thought of poorly babies is heartbreaking. Hope it continues to improve and you can all enjoy a happy and healthy summer
A full year since I last updated this, time flies doesn’t it. I still think about this thread and how much it helped us in a particularly difficult moment, so thanks again to those that contributed. The BBS is the best. Mabel is now 14 months old and is genuinely the happiest little girl around. She’s been walking for a couple of months and is happy just toddling around, babbling away carrying her toys or pushing her pram up and down the house. She’s a delight and made the first few months of hardship very much worth it. Her reflux really started to calm down at around 4 months. She absolutely loves her food, she’ll eat anything and in great quantities! We’ve never been able to shift her properly onto cow’s milk as she’s still sensitive to that but fine with anything else. She still doesn’t sleep through though… can’t win em all!
Good to hear mate. We're going through a very similar thing to what you experienced with our 3 week old son right now. My daughter was same.
A lovely update, toddlers was maybe my favourite stage where their personalities start to come out and they start to gain some independence but you as parents are their world.