Thats the 64000 dollar question isn,t it, are the experts wrong or the government not listening?, one things for sure, when all this is over and big questions need answering , Boris,s self preservation alarm will kick in and they,ll be thrown straight under the bus...
That depends on what you consider an expert. Is it someone who is qualified or someone who is qualified and selected by the UK government? Does their selection by the government make them any more of an expert to someone with equal qualifications who is not selected?
Yes , i,ve said it all along, there are people out there just as qualified as whitty and co, ie Dr Mike yeadon, prof Sunetra gupta, prof carl henneghan, and a lot more all of whom disagree with the scientific advice, the problem is ,the public were groomed from day one with the live daily updates to believe that the experts on show were the all knowing covid gurus and they,ve bought into it hook line and sinker, to the point where anyone that doesn,t agree must be a conspiricy theorist, i just see the current experts, including ferguson as line towers that will be getting paid handsomely...
Major u turn there Mr C everybody up to Wentworth first one their claims £5 for realising you are Boris "the Nonsense" Johnson.
There are others equally as qualified persons out there, they might not have done anything different though you are guessing. the one constant and where you should be directing your anger is at the government. Good advice or bad they’ve followed neither. There’s the problem.
I don,t disagree with you, the problem is, the government aren,t interested in alternative opinions, the fact is, under the current experts things have gone from bad to worse, its the old saying, the definition of an idiot is someone who does the same thing over and over again and expects a different outcome, if it is indeed the government that aren,t listening to them they need to come out and say so because as sure as eggs is eggs they,ll end up carrying the can...
It’s got literally nothing to do with “the current experts” there are no alternative experts, there is no alternative view. It’s a facade. I know we generally agree on this and these set of bastärds will indeed palm off the blame sometime soon The government govern, they decide. It’s the government who things have gone from bad to worse under. They already told you they don’t give a toss what the scientists say when Cummins went on his jaunt, when we all had £10 off food, when we were told to get back in the office, when Londoners were allowed to go to the pub and you weren’t. When Johnson said schools were open and then shut them the next day. I could go on. They should take the blame, odds on they won’t.
There are alternative views, the scientists mentioned above have all raised concerns as to how the current experts are arriving at the figures they are, and on lockdowns, the truth is, neither me, you or anyone else outside the inner circle know whats going on, i think personally the current figures have been inflated to keep us in check until they,re on top of the vaccinations, i know one thing, whilst ever people are obsessed with blaming other people its playing straight into Boris,s hands..
The confusion regarding the vaccine and what it does is definitely in order to maintain fear and control. There's no other reason not to explain what it does