My understanding of the five months statement is that the trials ran for five months so they can’t offer data beyond that. I don’t think it’s that the vaccine only lasts five months, just that they haven’t yet reached month six and beyond to say for certain how long immunity lasts.
I must admit, from reading the BBS, I’ve never seen so many people unhappy that the country is vaccinating as many people as possible with ambitious targets. Very odd.
Am I right in thinking we're currently vaccinating people over 80? It's certainly old people isn't it? I don't think it would be unfair to say that a large proportion of this demographic aren't independent travellers. The logistics of a 24 hour vaccination programme when concentrating on these vulnerable groups would be a mammoth undertaking and personally I don't think it's realistic. As the target group moves to those who are able to travel to these centres without assistance then a 24 hour operation would make a lot more sense.
I believe that they're traveling to the centres at the moment. Possibly not all but some. Even having to travel to their homes with the amount of experienced vaccinators in England we should be managing more than the current rate. Why can't they visit someone's home at 3am once to give them lifesaving vaccinations?
Perhaps people are being cynical/sceptical due to past Govt incompetences throughout. Nothing odd at all there.
If it was a case of being vaccinated at home by specialists travelling to your home then the numbers vaccinated would be a fraction of what you're seeing now. A shift would involve vaccinating just a handful of people.
So doesn't that make the paltry numbers even worse if this is people attending centres and it's still only 19 per town per hour
The sheer scale of this operation and the multitude of factors that affect the speed at which it can be delivered, and my lack of experience in anything like this, means I simply haven't a clue what is or isn't achievable.
All I know is that it's absolutely negligent to be considering the opening of mass vaccination sites now, to be only now getting doctors to fill in forms giving them permission to do vaccines etc. Had this been done much earlier we would have been at full speed a lot quicker but instead we wasted time concentrating on opening and closing pubs, defending and then sacking Dominic Cummings, blaming people for the virus and essentially doing anything other than an ounce of forward planning.
Ha Ha the idea that this lot do planning is laughable. What makes you think they are capable of that, I havent seen any evidence at all. They just make everything up as they go along - whether brexit, school meals, dealing with covid - absolutely nothing is planned ahead
Yeah by denying the reports of June and sticking with September it makes them look good when June actually happens. It's a new government direction from months of false promises by promising far more than they are capable of and then people being annoyed with them quite rightly. Now they play down the good news by sticking to three months later and then when it happens people are happy we are ahead of the schedule they set.
Forget who is in power, looking at it from a non political perspective. This country should easily have the ability to do this by June. We are a small Island, it's not as if we are the size of the US or China, now that is a different kettle of fish. But providing the pharma co's can manufacture quickly enough to support demand, it's simply about ensuring the distribution network is up to scratch. On the limited start, we have by mid Jan already done approx 3 million folk, remember we started with the harder to manage pfizer vaccine which slowed progress. With the Oxford one we should have it in place that all the following are supplied to give jabs:- The new vaccine centres opening now All GPS All hospitals and clinics (compulsory inc private ones) All pharmacies All NHS dentists Mobile units Companies with occy health nurses Bring out retired gp's and health care workers if available to train help staff up vaccine delivery. If we have done 3 mill already with limited delivery, factor the above delivery outlets and it is easily achieved by May/June. Armed forces can be utilised as well in the logistics or indeed helping rollout. It's all just down to manufacturing capacity surely. Nothing about this should be political.
This govt prevented all this Pandemic era from being anything other than non-political. The whole country should be condemning this **** shower of a Govt. This Govt has set its self targets that it has never delivered upon despite using every trick in the book to claim they have. Horrible Govt,Horrible Party, and in many cases Horrible followers
You're right about them travelling to the centres. My mum's 81, lives in Penistone, and was supposed to go to Dodworth Apollo Medical Practice (?) on whatever day it snowed the most last week - I think Thursday. It got cancelled, and she's now waiting for it to be rescheduled. They tried to send her to Halifax initially, before they settled on Dodworth, and she was like: no chance.
The scientist are unsure of how long the vaccine actually last for so could be like the flu jab and were at it again end of this year. They aren't sure if it is effective against the new mutations. Has boris, the Queen and the mps had there jabs yet? If so which one? If not why not? Not a chance will it be over by then.