There are Lobbyists and MPs calling for an end/ or major changes to the current employment laws. I get mail shots from a couple of groups that monitor proposed changes and what Lobbyists are up. Some gets nipped in the bud at source some get to various stages.What I can tell you is changes to Workers terms and conditions that will have a negative impact upon the worker are very real. As for levelling up, Dan Jarvis was on local TV only last night about Govt already cutting promised Transport funding from £10m to £6m. Project fear, scaremongering indeed. What did it say on your local news about it? Oh wait a minute.
My mum is 91 and she's not heard anything either, but I know 3 perfectly healthy people in their fifties in my local area, all have been vaccinated because they hung about outside the vaccination centre at the end of a day.
I've heard so many people saying they got vaccinated because there was spare doses at the end of the day so they just got offered it. Absolutely bat **** mental that anyone would think it's a better idea to give it to any tom dick and Harry who's stood in the right place at the right time than it is to start phoning vulnerable people up and telling them to get their arses to the centre within the next hour
Are you referring to deaths from Covid? If so yoiur statement is incorrect. Where is your source? Look n Worldmeters as a start point and there are several others corroborating those stats. There are several countries with more deaths per 1m population e.g. Belgium, Slovenia. UK is high up there but not that much worse than most other major developed countries Part of the problem is that UK is pretty densely populated with concentrated hubs (albeit there are some more so with a better track record than UK for Covid prevention. The main issue IMO is that Brits, like the Dutch, are pretty stubborn and resent authoritarian government and have been pretty unruly when it comes to following guidelines. That is not to blame the people per se, the main problem has been lack of enforcement and clear rules as the Govt has flip-flopped between Draconian measures and a 'light touch' (the latter especially during the summer months) in an attempt to do the impossible. i.e. satisfy everyone. and by trying to balance the health of both the population and the economy. Unfortunately the two are mutually exclusive. That said, Italy's approach has been pretty draconia. Fines have been pretty high and instant - none of the 'go home' warnings and only fining repeat offenders. and the level of success has only been marginally better. One has only to see the differing extreme views on here regarding lockdowns to realise whoever is in charge would have had an impossible job. I still think the wishy washy guidance is mainly to blame.
My music pal Pat Fish (a.k.a the Jazz Butcher) had his first jab last week. Only in his early 60s & in good health. Got called in by his local Northampton GP. He was as surprised as anyone, but didn’t question it, that just wastes more time.
I may have not understood the above correctly so apologies if that is the case but I'd have thought a proportion of people being rushed to hospital with respiratory issues may not have had a test beforehand thus whilst it looks like they're catching it on the ward it is more likely IMO that they have simply come in untested? I may be totally wrong. If they are really poorly to the point of admission though I just cant see paramedics shoving swabs down their throats etc.
Possibly. But the with the wide amount of testing being carried out you would expect some correlation between a positive Covid test and being admitted for Covid. I would also expect that the first thing that happens on admission is a test so you know where on the ward to put them, assuming that flexibility is available. I should have really pasted the PHE info and commentary as I think it answered that but it was getting late.
The vast vast majority have not been unruly with the restrictions at all. The vast majority have complied whether they agreed or not.
I would have thought there will be a lot of patients coming in that haven't had tests but due to symptoms will be treated as having covid. That doesn't mean they can't put them in the right ward at this point, it just means they can't officially say they came into hospital with Covid. We know the virus affects people differently and they may have deteriorated too quickly to be tested. Again the above may not be correct but with my NHS head on it makes sense to me.
it's a bit late to wait until the government do something like get rid of the 48 your work directive though. pressure needs to be brought to bear before that. I think you need to move back to England so you can get the full benefit of living under such a wonderful government and I'm sure you wouldn't moan once!!
Workers rights have already been raised by members of the Tory party. With Trump in the White House and Mr Johnson sucking up to him for a trade deal, Chlorinated Chicken was definitely on the menu, might not be quite so likely now that Biden is taking over. Could still happen though. Agreed.
as the vaccines would be wasted otherwise it makes sense to do that I suppose. Hope they call for your mum soon, in theory the rollout should get a lot quicker as it goes on.
Could be even worse than that though. You could be an administrator of the vaccine in New York or California, where thousands of vaccines are being thrown away because the governors have set penalties for anyone vaccinating someone not in the priority group. I think in New York it was a million dollars. I don’t really care who gets the vaccine at the end of the day if it’s that vs. not being used at all.
It makes perfect sense if the vaccine would otherwise be wasted. However, I wish there was a system where local people in the target group could be called to see if they're available at short notice.
My original moaning post was probably the worst timing of a BBS post ever! My mum has just this minute received her vaccination appointment, 28th January!
Well obviously, because it would be relevant to the Government of where we live. Is your point really that people don't comment on news in the Netherlands as much as they do about news in the UK? Maybe we should all sign up to Dutch message boards and start posting constantly about their politics with links to their news sites whilst moaning about people on there being political and using lots of exclamation marks!!!!!
I can't speak for Barnsley but Doncaster has four centres going live imminently as I've been asked to volunteer. Edit...just noticed Barnsley has these three. Priory Campus, Barnsley Dearne Valley Group Practice, Barnsley Apollo Court Medical Centre, Barnsley
Only if it means he then spends his whole time on an Italian football message board posting strong opinions about local Italian news instead.