Anyone used any local turf suppliers? Prices, quality, service, delivery etc I’m doing an area in the front and wanting to keep it local. Thanks
Without getting it from the big DIY and garden centres the garden place at Darfield was always good. Always used them when I had my own garden business. Wasnt the cheapest but quality wise was spot on. Ps late March to early Sept is the best turf laying window. Plenty of light. Plenty of water. Preferably as its dropping dusk.
Don’t lay till at least March. I use a trade supplier in Donny only had one bad batch which that replaced in full the next day.
I’m forward thinking for next month, spoke to an old guy who's a gardener and he says other than when it’s frosty you can lay it all year round and in the winter months it’s ideal as it’s always wet
Don't know how true this is but was told the best time to lay seed or turf is any month with the letter R in it, what a load of tosh
Disagree with your friend... The roots need to take, so to give it the best chance of taking you would need to lay in March earliest. Without the roots taking the turf will only have its own soil source. It will survive but you won’t get the best results and it will only start to take early spring. The edges and joints won’t bind properly, and in some cases will shrink to leave an uneven surface once the roots take
No thanks, I can’t stand the stuff if am been honest!! A like the smell of fresh cut grass and the ball ache of cutting it too
Decent place at Fitzwilliam near the Catchpenny boozer, our lasses favva still does a bit of gardening and he always gets turf from there
Its a good time to lay turf now. The turf has time to root and settle before Spring. Use a little bit of pre turfing fertiliser on the soil before you lay the turf, only about 35 grms per square metre. (Handful to the square yard) Best turf try County Turf they deliver direct from Scunthorpe.. I have run golf courses for over 35 years and always laid turf at this time of year
This ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Need sunlight for the roots to bind into the topsoil. If one of my old customers wanted a lawn laid in January I'd have knocked the job back. All I will suggest is that u have access to an outdoor tap or hosepipe friendly tap that's accessible. If you have it done when the weather is nice it'll need a really really good watering every evening.