They start building the site about 4 months ahead theres litterally no chance it could happen, i think some of the later smaller festivals might be ok but it will be touch and go Festival i go to every year is held in butlins in November, that might go ahead as the infrastructure is already there
I'd be amazed if that happens, especially now that there are now whispers that lockdown will continue into summer.
If they'd hung back until January to open the Schools and Colleges they'd have been fine. The second wave started in Education. Instead they did it to coincide with the cold and flu season when they knew Covid would be stronger. My overriding feeling regarding the number of deaths and loss of freedoms is down to errors in judgement and pig headedness from the government. They shouldn't be reacting they should be pro active. They could have had the circuit break in September for a month after the holiday season and nobody would have batted an eyelid. Now everyone is suffering.
I've got tickets for all the group games at Wembley so I'm being selfishly optimistic that they'll come good.
Just think these are massive revenue boosters and without fans it won't be viable. Hope i am wrong but not hopeful.
Looks like you are right: Saying that, the overwhelming majority of Japanese (c.80% if i remember right) said in a poll recently that it should be cancelled.
Life isn't ever going back to pre Covid. The government have us under their control and won't want to let go of it by giving us all our old freedoms back.
If I can't go down the pub with my mates and stand in a crowd of people to watch the Euros I'm not fussed if they do bin it off.
I think so too. Travel, infrastructure, new strains in some countries, etc Loads of things to make them unworkable, even behind closed doors.