I’ve got tix for a coupla festivals this year. Cancelled last year and not expecting them to go ahead. I think you’ll see some go under
So many businesses are hanging on by a thread after 2020, as you say don't think many will survive another year.
Whichever side of the whole lockdown shizzle you fall on the way the Government has failed to support the leisure and entertainment industries is shocking and seems somewhat perverse given the contribution they make to the economy. Many friends in music are near to breaking point and the only couple of people I know that runs bars and restaurants are probably beyond breaking point. I’m old enough to remember when the tories claimed to be champions of entrepreneurship and small business.
Yes. The other issue is companies that do staging, tour buses, sound engineering, etc are all going out of business at a rate of knots, so even if something COULD go ahead the logistics won't be there. The live music industry is now completely ******. The Brexit deal is the final straw. I'm now working in IT & I know hundreds of people in my industry who are massively talented who won't be able to return. (My company is still going, but I've lost £20k in 10 months, financed by loans). The support from this shower of schisse has been next to zero, unless you are in the high brow sector. **** the Tories. **** Johnson.
If you genuinely believe that, in spite of pretty much every country in the world doing very similar to us in some form or another, then that is concerning but each to their own.
Pretty sure we'll see the cases tail right off again in line with our flu season when we get warmer temps and increased sunlight hours - plus people being a little more careful with personal hygiene etc. If they dont relax things then it proves what a lot of people feel in that there is more to this than a virus so lets see shall we. If they do want to keep hold of the reigns no doubt they will push it on for as long as they can and then bring it back in as soon as they can too. I see they are now musing the delayed 2nd jab could be a big mistake so running out of vaccines is gonna be the excuse most likely.
i saw someone post on twitter that when every government in the world is following the same path then you know its a scam. Since when do different countries and governments do such a thing lol The great reset and how the World Economic Forum want to change how we live our lives are certainly not something to be excited about. If you like travel, meat, people and not being rationed for food and income then id be concerned.
I juat can't see how it benefits capitalism to be "under control " people will be less productive, spend less etc. And it's not as though we're all rioting and wanting rid of the existing order?
Don't know what to say to be honest! Life is **** enough as it is without adding conspiracy theories into the mix.
We've already seen the WHO say that the PCR tests need to be reset or 'cycled more' as they're not accurate enough and pick up far more than just Covid. That means cases going forward will drop vs. previous. Funny and suspicious timing if you ask me with everything going on in the world the last few months.
Why would the deep state or whatever conspiracy theory monster under the bed you want to cite want economies to shrink massively? It beggars belief. I cant understand why people still keep coming out with this bs. Countries across the world have dealt with this thing in much the same way because...guess what?.....there's a pandemic that's been culling humans at a scary rate. It's time folk started taking care of what they read on the internet. One poster on the US election thread being a shining case in point.
True. However if you compare the last 3 mondays based on specimen date - The Governments own figures 04 - 76k 11 - 56k 18 - 41K Its safe to suggest they are heading one way.
Can someone educate me how governments (of every possible leaning globally) gain benefit from economies crashing, people dieing, companies and markets collapsing, debt burgeoning and quality of life of its electorates being diminished? Because I think i'm missing something here.
Genuine question, all the richest countries in the world have taken a massive hit economically and seen borrowing increase.. Who are they borrowing off? Theres just money floating around being borrowed from people/countries with no money... who actually makes money out of any of this? (No conspiracy i just genuinely dont understand)