There’s no such thing as money. It’s made up, the government can print as much as they like and lend it to themselves, current interest rates mean that they can carry the debt for decades without paying any back and just paying a pittance in interest. It was always this way, but during the 80’s the Tories started pretending that government finances worked like balancing a household budget. Like all ‘simple’ political ideas, it’s both a lie and gained traction. The 2010 government expanded this to create ‘austerity’ which they told us was needed so we were happy to tighten our belts. It was a lie! Whilst the NHS etc was starved of funding, and the average worker got no better off, not only did government debt grow exponentially but so did the wealth of the rich. so the rich got richer whilst we were told there was ‘no money’.
I agree 100%. Can you imagine the reaction if they had done everything at the right time and kept infections really low though. People would be saying that they had over-reacted and inconvenienced everyone for nothing. Unfortunately we can never see the alternative reality.
No, you wanted these lockdowns. You have to own the consequences. We told you this would happen. There’s not an infinite pot of money to support everything being closed indefinitely without us saddling future generations with impossible debt. These are the consequences of what people wanted. Get ready, because there’s a **** ton more coming.
You have to ask yourself ‘why’? why would a government in a democratic society like the idea of, or benefit from locking their electorate indoors? their aim is to remain in power, which they do by winning votes, so I ask: why on earth would they want to take away our freedom? It would be contrary to their aim. the answer is, they don’t. Freedoms have been taken away to prevent the NHS from being overrun. Piles of dead bodies, no beds for the sick, no ambulances for emergencies. Because that would lose votes and also lay on their consciences no doubt. And that’s it. It’s very simple to my mind, there is absolutely no conspiracy here! I think the government is a shambles and disagree with their handling of this crisis on very many levels, but a Machiavellian plan for control and power? Come on mate.....
I don't claim to have a great understanding of this, but doesn't that lead to inflation and potentially hyper inflation? The more you've got of something, the more freely available it is, and if it doesn't have to be earned, then the value of it decreases, which can happen to money as easily as any other commodity. Isn't this exactly what happened in Germany between the wars, which was a huge catalyst for the 2nd World War? And more recently Zimbabwe?
Yes of course ‘uncontrolled’ printing of money isn’t a good thing, but there are other levers to control inflation (controlling interest rates). My original point was that ‘money’ doesn’t actually exist, in answer to ‘who do we owe the money to’. Money is simply a promise by the government to pay the government. It used to be linked to actual gold, but that physical link was broken years ago. I’m not an economist!
To be honest economists argue on this point too - it is moot - different schools of thought from different types of economists
No they didn't. They said that anything that is weakly positive should be restested - that is anything that gives a positive result after the 35th (iirc) cycle. They run it for 45 as it is better to get a false positive and isolate someone that is potentially infectious than a false negative - to let someone that is contagious continue with their daily life.
No idea but reasons don't always come out straight away. Those responsible for keeping us under lock and key won't suffer from leaving behind the mess they have made as they are all really rich and Sunak for example is the richest MP ever. At some point they all leave politics with millions in the bank and leave behind the **** that happened under their watch. They now want to pay people £500 for catching Covid. This will make people attempt to get it and then infections and deaths and hospital admissions all stay high and we stay locked down even longer. I wouldn't be surprised to see in the future that a lot of MPs have made a lot of cash from keeping us locked down so the pharma companies can jab healthy people. It's been said if everyone in the country including children got the jab it would only get the R rate down to 1.3...... I don't doubt Covid. My young neice who works in the NHS caught it and she's fine now but it knocked her out for a good week of sleeping nearly every hour of every day. A couple of family members have had the vaccine due to being key workers and that's great. I just don't see a end because the Tory party like to give a little hope and then pull it away. Boris is already changing from Easter to Summer and still refusing to set out a road map.
From what I've read on this board, nobody has wanted the lockdowns in the form we have had them, and with the lack of exit plans that the Government have had.
Tory donors, cronies and MPs are getting huge amounts through non tendered contracts through "emergency" powers. This is in the public domain already, though right wing media seems content to ignore it for now. But those MPs are elected. And granted, the public seem to have many a fool hoodwinked into voting for the worst PM in history for a unicorn bonanza, but when people see they've been lied to and they are unable to do simple things they've previously enjoyed... how long do you think the votes will roll in for them? Sunak, DePfeffel et al may be passing through, but there are mechanisms behind that are intent on power and maintaining it, and the tories are well versed at descending to blood on the carpet regime change when it looks like their levers of power are on the wain. So if thats the case, and there is some plot to keep people "locked up" (which isn't going very well as large numbers seem to be ignoring it and its way busier than March)... what do the tories gain? When hundreds of thousands lose homes, jobs, companies, livlihoods.... how do the tories blame someone else? Or is part of this great manoeuvre that democracy is about to end the globe over? That elections will never be anymore and we have barons, earls and a gentry sitting above the serfs? I asked yesterday if someone could have a stab at what this great conspiracy affecting every country in the world actually is and how its got near universal agreement. Feel free to have a stab and extrapolate forth.
Hes pretty much correct, money doesn't exist, a bank note is a promise to be given that money by the bank, so digital numbers in a bank account are even less substantial. Its why banks can 'invest (gamble) £10 for every £1 in your bank. Governments borrow insane amounts of printed money from central banks to prop up the economy. As someone stated earlier this led to a decade of buzz word use in Deficit, which is the difference from your GDP (income) and gov spending. The problem is they basically took out Wonga loans to do this, so debt levels over the last 20 years surpassed WW2 levels. USA debt is now in the Trillions.
What conspiracy theory?nowt in what i posted was a conspiracy. All stuff the WEF have said they want to happen. shall i link a few official sites and videos they have produced? start with this one and have a look around at klaus schwab who is heading all this up. All the points i raised are what they are trying to being in off the back of this pandemic. No conspiracy here.
One of the hopes I had from the lockdowns was a chance to take advantage of a significant drop in emissions. In March and April, we saw at first hand what we’re doing to our planet as the skies were brilliant clear blue, the birds sing louder than ever, nature burst brighter than ever and smog and murk evaporated. So a lobby for more, I can understand. But I don’t see that now. China India and America cranked back up and polluting production and consumption is increasing far higher than lockdown 1 levels. I think the consideration of conspiracy are sometime suggestions that every country on the earth is doing the same thing in lockstep for a given purpose. And given major governments act very differently and cant agree on basics such as human rights, I can’t see how there is anything On a global level being acted out. Though I’ll echo again, a green reset was one of the positive things of March and April and such a concept is noble, if not enduring.
Those who believe these conspiracy theories about state control really are suffering some sort of mental illness. There is no logic to it whatsoever. The same goes for the climate change deniers....