I did one, was really fun ,my family is from the Glover clan in Scotland, no one famous we have been common all our lives, good luck is fun, I said fun twice, now 3 times oh well, go for it
I'v gone back to 1780 and my family have not moved from where i live now or within 2 mile, 1820 one of my family run a pub in hoyland rose and crown on greenside lane. it is worth doing
My mum's side cam down from Scotland in the fifties to work in the pits. My Dad's side originate from Great Houghton but ended up in Ryhill.
i subscribe to ancestry, have got so far and now am stuck and confused. Might just pay someone to do it for me
Used Ancestry to get back to 1580 under family name but branching off on maternal side at some point found I was related to the Fitzwilliam family at Wentworth and traced lineage back to 880 in France. If you go back far enough we all become related.. Be prepared for some late nights in front of screen though as it gets highly addictive. I'll own up at this point to family coming from wrong side of the hills as my grandfather walked his family over from Wigan to Jump sometime 1910 or 1911 looking for work.
I traced my paternal roots back to the 1600s near to Silverstone and one of my relatives appears to have been the aunty of George Washington! They came up here to Worsborough to the pits about 250 years ago by looks of it (not the president, like).
My daughter gave me an ancestry kit. I did the dna bit and got some basic info but never followed it up. I’m interested but not that interested. My aunt did my mother’s side of the family and got back to Napoleonic times where an ancestor was in a regiment who guarded Napoleon on St. Helena. She also found another ancestor who was a colonel in the Confederate army during the American Civil War. Unfortunately no millionaires were discovered. My DNA is mostly Scottish and Irish but there is embarrassingly a small amount of English. Please let me emphasise that it really is a minute amount of English DNA.
I have done mine! As somebody said above it can get very addictive! I have got back to late 1500's on both my paternal and maternal sides. Found a lot of fascinating stories and some mysteries along the way! Thought my family was pure Yorkshire but only going back as far as Great Grandparents none of them were born in Yorkshire, all incommers to work in the mines. Coming from CoDurham, Nottinghamshire, Shropshire and Staffordshire. Have done DNA and found "Cousins" all over the world.
Working on mine gradually, got back as far as 1575 on paternal side and on 1550 maternal side. It obviously gets more difficult by each generation, but it will certainly keep you occupied and is really interesting although it can be quite poignant at times.
Joining ancestry and other such sites might throw up some good or bad information. My daughter and partner are both quite into the family past thing. Well they got an email from a guy in Blackburn area who’s ancestry threw up a match to my son in law in Shetland. The guy is over 60 and was born out of wed lock and never knew his father. But DNA linked him to Angus. It seems that Angus’s uncle was stationed in the Blackburn area during national service. It would appear that a one night stand may have occurred resulting in pregnancy. So after 60 odd years of mystery there has been a bit of closure for the guy. He and his wife did make a trip to Shetland to visit where his father was from. So be warned. Nicky and Davina might come a knocking.
There was a similar thread on here in the summer about family trees. There was loads of advice on it, it might be worth digging up. I'll have a quick look to see if I can find it
I'm third generation Tarn - Wussbro Brig to be precise - but like many others my Great Grandad came from Scaldwell near Northampton to work at Barrow Pit. And - whisper it quietly - my Great Grandma was a greengrocer's daughter from Attercliffe. So a tiny bit of me is...Deedar! I think its my right knee cos its riddled with arthritis and going darn rapidly.