Why not leave it for a year or more? Just to see what happens. For example: Barnsley sell out - get rid of who you consider to be your best midfielder. And bring Ronnie Glavin in. Or Emmanuel Frimpong. Both of whom are less than sparkling on their initial showings. Do you carry on moaning week after week about the loss of your best midfielder, without bothering to look at what is actually happening on the pitch. And without seeing how the player develops, for better or worse? Or do you exercise a measured judgement after a while? Once the initial dust has settled. (As far as in this case covid allows, of course).
It's getting to somat when a well-known firm like Nissan as said it's committed to Britain after Brexit and all the Brexiter's are making out its great news and a win-win for Brexit if there was no Brexit and we were still in the EU Nissan would be just carrying on as normal without any threats what so ever about closing.
Everyone? Sweeping statement. Plenty on this thread who think it is positive news. Just take it for what it is - regardless of Brexit, it’s positive news for the North.
All of the above is true, I would hazard a guess that people ‘heralding’ it is more of a response to the people who were posting not that long ago about how it was official Nissan was closing the plant as a result of Brexit.
Everyone seems to have their own truth. These days they even seem to have their own facts. I'm certainly happy with them having their own opinions. I'd be even happier if they were prepared to respect the opinions of others too. On this thread for example, the initial post tends to just divide the remain majority into one camp, with the leave in another camp, when it seems to me as though this issue is as grey as they come. For what it's worth, my own understanding is that foreign governments have supported their own industries far more than we have ours over the years, so it's not that bad for ours to prop up jobs in a largely deprived area if it temporarily needs it.
You’re missing the key EV part of it all. This isn’t really about Brexit, but a big commitment for EV for the North. Which had been rumoured for years, but never fully confirmed. But I’ll leave you to your neutral view. Have a pleasant evening
Cheers. And as a separate note- these are the details of the battery plant. https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/business/18936816.ev-battery-plant-create-8-000-north-east-jobs/
All I expect is truth to be shared. On both sides. Suppressing the fall outs of brexit isn’t sharing truth.
Well my own personal truth regarding Brexit is that when all's said and done we'll hardly notice the difference. For or against. But you can only bring that one up again in a few years time.
Depends on who you count as "we". And I think a lot will, who need to access health care for example.
They are closing their last plant in the EU but keeping Sunderland going...both were under threat in 2019.
Sorry Gegenpresser but the differences are starting to show now after only 3 weeks the Fishermen are not pleased Lorry firms are not pleased Farmers are not pleased a hell of a lot of businesses are not pleased. My first-hand experience Bought a car from Honda (Barnsley) in 2019 got a letter soon after to be told that the site was going to close and I had to take my car to Wakefield Honda for its services etc. went last week to Waky and was told that it was looking like there service department was going to close and I would be able to take it to Bradford Honda asked if Honda was leaving Britain because of Brexit the guy said "it looks like Honda are running down" and would not say anything else, funny job if nowt else.
Guessing the future isn’t truth. It’s opinion. what’s happening right now is what is true. But if you expect silence of truth, however inconvenient... well sorry, I can’t cater to that.
The majority of the £400m investment, which is supported by an £11m government grant..... Extract from the Financial Times, £11 million, hardly the massive bribe you claim. Around 6 year's worth of Gary Lineker's salary.