The latest government info I heard today on the radio about 3 times. So presumably that will be the case forever? Because by mixing with people and spreading viruses around people have died and this was the case pre 2020. Why aren’t we hearing government messages encouraging people to lose weight, eat healthily and get fit with the same regulatory? If you are overweight and continue to eat poorly you are putting yourself at risk and putting strain on the NHS. Then we have these horrible things going around. The amount of blame being shifted onto the public for a virus is disgusting.
Of course, but that doesn't matter to the person dying. If we are being hit with a fear campaign based around the individual consequences then how will we rationally go back to accepting individuals will die as a result of no longer following restrictions?
The trouble is it’s already worse than that. The Nazis didn’t have a patch on this lot - they’ve got every media sewn up. They’re in your homes relentlessly - TV, radio, smart speakers when they start up, massive digital advertising boards if you have the temerity to leave your home. We have gone full on propaganda in a way the world has never previously seen. It’s relentless.
Fair play to the bbc this time though, they rowed back very quickly on the "information" from the press conference yesterday. BBC News - Covid: 'More deadly' UK variant claim played down by scientists
There already is in Barnsley town centre. Very every hearing a voice booming out of a tannoy telling you to stay away from people and wear a mask
So when there is a massive mental health crisis looming lets launch some more aggressive fear porn to hammer home the message some more. Especially when cases are falling. Even before this latest lockdown...
It's bizarre. Quite a few months ago I saw a busker, I'd stopped to listen, as had a number of others, it was like a ray of sunshine in the darkness, this sweet music, then the tannoy blasted out the warning messages, drowning him out and he had to stop. And this one bit of relief that was making us all feel normal was taken away.