Must be the wind direction. I ant heard owt in Monk Bretton and same can be sed for tarn when I have gone in, which ain't often.
a year in and I’m not sure you have actually learned anything. The Covid deniers and minimisers have been proven wrong time and again but still they spew out their misinformation. Le sigh.
He hasn't ever tried to deny covid though has he? In fact what has he said in the post that you quoted which was incorrect? We know that being fat increases your risk and therefore puts a huge strain on the NHS. With that in mind shouldn't the message of 'stop eating so much you fat ****' be pushed much harder? We know that smoking increases your risk and therefore puts huge strain in the NHS and yet it's still used as a money making scheme for the government. Banning it would have saved how many covid patients?
Yup they are. Have you noticed the level of the R rate since lockdown commenced and deaths and hospital admission. Anti scientific nonsense. When you have a disease that passes between humans if you limits the contact of those humans it will always succeed. But what you have bought is time and opportunity it is never an end in itself.
Oh aye mate you can’t see you girlfriend so you basically don’t give a **** about people dying. I seem to remember you saying that the food chain would collapse and we would all be eating rocks now. How’s that prediction treating you? Anyhoo back on mute I can’t be dealing with Covid idiots like you.
As I said, the only person that has consistently posted false information on this BBS is you. What you've just written is typical of who you are. Your very character is in those words.
What a salient and reasoned rebuttal. Well one thing I picked up that was despite outlandish predictions and fake statements of apparent fact, we haven't seen huge numbers of children dying from Covid. Now if you want to pick out a specific thing I've said in this thread and discuss it then I'm more than willing to. If you want to continue with childish one line snipes them please go right ahead.
We are aren't we? I thought we were willing to sacrifice thousands of lives all in the name of a pint in the pub? The broad brush strikes again on the BBS
It's very frustrating. As I've explained before in here things got very bad for my family last Spring/summer. I'm sure I may have took too hardline a stance against lockdown then. I really have made the effort to approach things much more rationally this time around when discussing it. I don't believe anything I have posted in this thread is unreasonable. Yet still we see the absurd covididiot insult thrown around.
A 100000 people have died from Covid in the U.K. 2 million world wide. And people like you lockdown deniers Covid sceptics. ‘It’s just a flu’ have made a bad situation worse. You realise now that you were completely wrong about lockdowns at least that’s progress but now push the scepticism in different ways with ******** about being fat. meanwhile in the real world we lost a second family member today to Covid so excuse me if I don’t have time for your Covid idiocy.
Doesn’t even warrant a reply. Anyone who uses the phrase ‘le sigh’ definitely needs their hard drive checking, by the way.
It’s the same with everything at the moment. You can’t have even a slightly different view of anything that the centrist ‘liberals’ agree with. If you don’t agree with their blinkered view of everything you are labelled racist, fascist, backwards etc. Awful. Anything remotely further than centre left wing and it’s all wrong. Sad that this is what the lefties of Barnsley have become.