After my last day of isolation, I had to self certify for a week and then get a sick note to cover the rest. Post- COVID lethargy, Still not 100% but much better than I was
I was the same, try not to do anything unnecessary ( easily said than done) I had Post COVID lethargy most things knackered me out. Just give it time and get those vitamins down you
Funnily enough I was only thinking earlier that I hadn’t seen you post for a while, sorry to hear about what you went through pre Christmas pal and now suffering with COVID, good to see you posting again.
Call them, they should diagnose you over the phone And leave a note at reception if someone’s able to get it for you.
A lot of GP practices will sign you off for continuing COVID symptoms without even a phone consultation if you’re still experiencing them - others will do it on the phone. You won’t be allowed in even if you wanted to/were fit enough.
Hope you recover from COVID quickly mate and from the depression. Do come on here and we'll try to lighten the mood, nobody should be suffering alone.
Oh and when you do get a final note to start back work, make sure the GP put’s a phased return on the note. So If you work say 8 hours a day, ask him to advise a start of 3-4 hours for a week or so and build up steady to your normal hours. You’ll need it. Mine’s not a physically demanding job, but I was also mentally knackered and no way could I have started back working full shifts
Sorry to hear your unwell mate, It has been tough going lately and Covid has certainly taken it's toll on many of us. I must admit I sometimes lose myself on the forum and join 2 or 3 threads as a distraction from the day to day routine. I do find it helps me, keep safe all
Hi Jack, Hope you're doing OK under the circumstances. Take it easy recovering, and don't do too much too soon when you start to feel better as you could set yourself back.
S Sorry to hear that, can you get a Sick note over the phone from your GP? I know when I had it, it took me 5 weeks to feel anywhere near normal. When you phone up for the Sick note, you could ask for a phone call with your GP to tell them how you are feeling. They may wish to prescribe something to aid breathing, you sound a long way from returning to work, even if you are classed as Covid free. Take care.
Take it steady JT.......hope your get well soon mate!! Inbox always open as it is for anyone.....don’t suffer alone
You seem to have been on this bbs as long as I remember. It's pointless saying chin up and all that, been there worn t shirt. But dont stay quiet. This place for its faults and disagreements, comes together like I've never seen when one of our own is struggling Everyone who has offered, genuinely means it, so if you need to, reach out mate The saying goes Take care of yourself, before you can take care of others (something like that, I'm sure you've heard it)
Having done some research on the NHS website it would seem I have a number of symptoms pointing towards the effects of long covid.