About the same. I have spells where I try to steer away from snacks, and spells where I just think **** it and head for the biscuit tin at every opportunity.
It's a pertinent question when the news is full of stories about 100k dead. Being personally responsible for your diet, weight and exercise regime will keep the figures down and help the NHS. It's blisteringly obvious but I thought I'd point it out anyway, as it is sometimes mentioned 4th or 5th in line behind the blame game and government policy errors.
That'd be because we've got one of the worlds worst performing governments. But it's OK - because they've managed to successfully get the compliant idiots to blame the rest of the population. Jeez If it was your money (as some of it is) what would you expect to get for £1200,000,000 spent on Test and Trace? How have other governments managed to save many more lives, and make a much better job of managing the economy? There's 100,000 dead people because our incompetent PM couldn't be bothered to attend Cobra meetings this time last year - and ever since then has been everywhere from a week to a month behind every decision he's needed to make.
I don't want to open up the debate to government errors on COVID. It's an entirely different issue.This is a thread about your own personal physical weight. I'm saying there'd be less than 100k dead if we hadn't gone into this as the fat man of Europe.
But you did open the debate, no one else mentioned the government’s performance. And it seems now you’ve mentioned it, you’d rather not discuss it because your assertion doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. You’re happy to believe Johnson’s done all he could - because admitting he’s a fraudulent buffoon implicates you too.
Does it really matter. Why differentiate? Underneath our overstretched or flabby skin we're all the same, man or woman, male or female, gay or lesbian. I'm glad I don't start these kind of threads which will never end well for the op. Some people never learn.
I must admit after Christmas I expected put weight on would be out in front I need to get back on track with healthier eating.
I think Lock down has stopped some people doing what they like in moderation so when they get they chance they do things in excess. (I'm using people as a generalisation).
Absolutely obesity puts great strain on the NHS so if we can do our bit to hopefully not need to see them about it we should. I have been thinking of buying some protein bars for the low calories and to make me feel fuller so I am less likely to snack on chocolate and crisps but they are expensive for what they are and when you read product reviews a lot say they don't taste nice. For example I like Snickers and you can get a dozen of their protein bars for twenty quid on Amazon.
That’s my excuse. The missus: “You’re ordering another kebab?” Me: “I’m supporting local businesses.”
Well a great race as taken a turn for the worse as it turned a bit nasty approaching beeches brook ,fattter leads by 1 going into the final circuit fatter 12 Thinner 10 Same 11 Void 1 Those are the running,ambling,sitting down totals betting 6/4 fatter 7/4 thinner 7/4 same good luck and thanks for joining in hope it’s been cathartic