I'm a pzifer recipient. Jab one received 22/01. When can I expect to receive dose 2. And where is the evidence to suggest that if it is administered x number of weeks further apart, that the dose and protection remains the same in the tests that produced the 3/4 weeks apart recommendation.... I was watching sonething on the BBC the other day and the Dr there really didn't think a longer gap would be a concern, if anything it might be better. Boosters are rarely given very close together usually so hopefully that's the case
Forgive them for they know not what they do. Because if they did, they clearly wouldnt be doing that. How very sad. Although (incoming dark humour) at the point in the first video where the doctor says "If you take the oxygen mask off he will die" and the old guy says "No I won't", I couldnt help be transported back to this.
Ok, not seen that, but we only have info from the tests a bit back. It may not change the protection level, it may increase. It may render it useless. We dont know. I hope it's the former 2 anyway
Interestingly last year just before the start of all this when we had our flu vaccine we ( me and SWMBO) were recommended to have a Tetanus jab which meant a jab followed by two boosters - each a month apart. Of course the 2nd an 3rd were cancelled due to the Covid outbreak. Now I know all vaccines are different and tetanus is a bacterial infection and not a virus but in the case of Tetanus we were told that we would have to 'start again' with the full 3 injections if there was a delay of more than a few months. I am certainly not qualified to state either way, but with the lack of evidence as to the impact on efficacy of various vaccines of delaying the 2nd dose, (and whilst I understand the logic of vaccinating more people with a single dose initially), we may, IMO, be simply 'kicking the can down the road' and have to start all over again later. That said, as production ramps up I believe the amounts being manufactured/ordered Worldwide will ultimately exceed the amount needed to complete the 2 dose course by a factor of three or more over the next 18 months or so.
Speaking of the unbalanced consequences of lockdown this feels very true on a personal level my wife had just had to give notice on her job (which she loved) as a result of the continued pause in education.
Sorry to hear that mate. It's a really sad and worrying time right now for more reasons than one, but job security is near the top of that list the longer this carries on. I think I've mentioned this in another reply but the Washington Post have predicted 250 million job losses globally due to Covid and a cost of billions to economies everywhere. Interestingly in Florida they've had eight consecutive months of job growth with a fairly open economy. Considering the age of their demographic and their size, plus the influx of people they've had from locked down states such as New York, you wouldn't say they'd performed well in mitigating Covid but they're nowhere near the worst performer. Also doing well with vaccine distribution.
When I sit and look at other countries and regions it's so hard to get any kind of idea as so many factors must influence outcomes. My circumstances are very fortunate that the wifes job was more for the enjoyment she got out of it. (Working with children with additional needs like our own) she actually did a lot of extra hours on a volunteer basis. With her not been able to go in she has had to step aside so they can get someone new in and I hope she can go back to it in the future. But I know woman at my workplace who are having to take unpaid time off due to the children been at home. Some have been furloughed but those on zero hours have been rather hung out to dry.