Hi Merde. I suppose different things work for different people. It is hard work tbh but i found a few things that really helped. Most important, 2 plus litres of water a day when fasting. Second, I realised boredom was a mega factor, find something to do between meals that completely distracts you. Next download the app "nutracheck" for your phone which follows the 5:2 diet. You can (within reason) use exercise to offset further calorie consumption. Some foods are filling but have near zero calories (pickled onions/beetrot/cornichons with chilli) Also "Heck" chicken sausages and plain cod steaks are filling but really low in calories. Couldnt get on with cauliflower rice but rice is really calorific. If you have done the 16:8 and skip breakfast, good chance you could do the 800 calories (I couldnt do the 600) but then I'm a big bloke. Also I plateaued at the 4 stone. Needed exercise beyond that but a bit stumped as I need an operation on a torn knee ligament so walking is about the best i can manage
Yep, I'm skipping breakfast and to be honest it's easier than I thought it would be, especially as I'm usually ravenous in the mornings and at lunchtime but not particularly hungry in the evenings. Having something to do is definitely a big part of it. Beforehand I would get up at 7, make breakfast for me and my daughter, then by ten I'd be ready for a second breakfast. Now, I just cook her breakfast and have a cup of tea with a small splash of milk (up to 20 calories allowed), then get on with preparing for the work day before running her to school, then coming home to start work. That takes me up to around 9.30, and my first Zoom meeting is usually at 1030. If I'm ridiculously hungry I might make breakfast for ten, as long as I know I'll be able to fit dinner in at around six. If I know we'll be eating later or maybe supping with guests on a Friday or Saturday then I'll wait until midday. That's actually pretty easy as I'm always in an online meeting from 1030-12 and I usually just forget about how starving I am. If it's the school holidays or a weekend, I'll just read, play chess online or watch old BFC youtube clips, which again usually does the job about making me forget the hunger pangs. I love beetroot so might give that a try on the fast days. Not a fan of pickled onions though! I reckon 800 would be my lower limit. 600 seems very harsh!
I know you like your lager Ian. I’ve discovered a couple very low carb lagers. Michelob And Skinny. Made a difference for me.
Thinner. About a stone. Regular evening walk to force me to stop working and a conscious effort to eat healthier. It would be 2 stone if I could only leave the chocolate and the grandkids haribo bucket alone.
here's a tune for the fatter , thinner , same crew to enjoy as the word thin in title and is a good tune and inspiring lyrics
Only lost a bit of fat but lost almost a stone of upper body muscle as I was doing quite a lot of swimming & weights early last year. Feel miles better for it. Running quicker than I have in years & going faster on the bike. Just need to sort the diet out & I’ll be flying.
Just converted to stones and lol at your joke,you happy being you good luck,if your trying to lose a bit plenty of story’s on this thread of folk giving it a go,you take fatter to 19
I skipped my take away last night. Partly because the result sickened me and ruined my evening. Glad I did now though because even though I had a decent drink I don't feel half as sluggish today. As I posted before I think eating late at night is false economy. Laura says "you need sumat to eat". I secretly think "why so I can wake up feeling hung over and fat"
Thinner and fitter during the first lockdown (this was largely related to being furloughed and being able to go on long walks in the sunny weather). Have since put all the weight back on and a bit more - largely because i'm working again and hunched over a laptop for most of the day.
You're right, it generally isn't a good time to eat a big meal after say 8 pm i.e. within a couple of hours of bedtime. There are better experts than me on this subject, but the body is designed to digest food during the daytime hours. Anyways, if I need to eat something before bedtime, I eat a banana. That's also 1 more piece of fruit