Sid the sexist Fat slags Roger Mellie the man on the telly Biffa Bacon Spoilt Brat Postman Plod the miserable sod Millie Tant Buster Gonads and his unfeasibly large testicles Billy the fish Terry Fuckwit
Viz tips- Anglers- Tie a helium balloon to your hook and use an acorn for bait and sit under a tree whilst trying to catch squirrels. Use an upturned laundry basket as a keepnet. Don't forget at the end of your fishing to throw the squirrels back into the tree.
That wasn't even remotely funny. Not just because the topic of humour, things can still be funny even if you feel a bit bad for laughing but that just wasn't funny at all.
I honestly think the opening post is the least funny "jokey" post I've ever seen on here(and that is saying something!).
Viz tips- Single men- Make it look like you have a girlfriend by standing outside Top shop with a couple of bags of shopping and looking at your watch every few minutes and also looking inside the store.
Viz tips- Cinema goers- Please have courtesy for pirate video makers by going to the loo before the film starts.