I think the answer is that theres not much give for keepers in the championship. I personally think we need a new one who has some physicality too. Both Walton and Collins are only young for goalkeepers and will get better but we need an imposing solid keeper. They will learn off experience too.
Our 1st goal against Swansea we should have had a man on the back post and it would have been stopped. Not sure why sibbock got picked out for the 2nd he was zonal marking like everyone else moore shoved him in the back when the ball was kicked which gave him the space to header.
The ball’s travelled a long way before it got to Moore,we as a team need to be more streetwise. We need someone to look at what we are doing wrong and smarten up.
I agree but I seen sibbock is taking some stick for the 2nd last night and tonight, if he doesn't get pushed in the back by moore then he has a good chance of defending that situation.
Absolutely, Keefer's header could have been headed out, it would have been straight at the man on the post.
One thing , we our selves have in the last couple of seasons scored plenty of goals from set pieces & corners , another one last night which seemed to get overlooked ,but I think one of the reasons that defences in general get caught out more & more these days is the amount of work on the training ground that attacking sides do & I make particular refence to way the goalkeepers get boxed in & planned boxing off of key defenders , anyone watching the Man u v Sheff u game last night would have seen how cleverly Billy Sharpe barges the keeper & blocking , therefore pinning him as such , this just not happen randomly , this is rehearsed & practised many many times on the training ground & in the tactical briefings , I do not like our zonal marking, I never have & I believe that is why a lot of our opposition capitalise on us in these situations ,but coaches far more qualified than I will give an explanation on why they do this .
As someone mentioned elsewhere, we had three players on Moore, but nobody did anything. They all probably thought that the other person would do it. That is the problem with Zonal marking, as opposed to Man-to-Man marking, Anyone familiar with Project Management, will be familiar with a RASCI chart. Every person assigned to a task on a project is either (R)esponsible, (A)ccountable, (S)upportive, (C)onsulted or (I)nformed. You can have as many team members assigned to the task with A, S, C or I status, but only one persons is ever R status. If you have more than one R, then you have the problem I stated above with Zonal marking, that everyone thinks someone else will do the job.
While I'm on a roll; I've mentioned this before, but now I've an updated graph. We have a very young and fit team, who can play the pressing game well. BVI (not the British Virgin Islands) uses the substitutes well, especially now we have five (except for bringing people on in the 89th minute when we're losing). The problem is, we still run out of steam. Look at what happens in the five minutes before the break, where they're desperate for a rest and half an orange. Look at the goals conceded in the second half, compared to the first half. We do finish the game well, though, which may be due to the other team tiring and BVI's use of substitutes.
I think SFO tykes has hit the nail on the head when you crowd the goal area with 6 or 7 static tall defenders who are zonal marking it encourages the opposition to put 5 or 5 bodies in the area but leave their two tallest strikers to have a run from the edge of the area and outleap our defenders who have to make a static jump, whilst in the mean time two of his mates are blocking our keeper from making the run to intercept the cross. Which does not help due to the fact that as mentioned our keepers are not physically strong. I think Struber tried to counter this with half and half, one line of zonal not two and the others doing one to one which from memory did help towards the end of last season but under Val we seem to have gone back to full zonal may be wrong?
The amount of times we get caught out at the back post is appalling. (Teams have done their homework.)Direct, or near post flick ons. Are the order of the day.
One other factor is that we have a no-nonsense approach to defending now. Maybe im wrong but we seem to launch balls into the stand and out for corners more easily which sets up these positions. I find it frustrating that wide left Anderson, almost every game coughs up at least one and usually more free kicks in good ‘set piece’ territory. Some of these have led to goals against. Then i question our ability to zonal mark.
my take on that is firstly i was hoping Solly would come in after their first goal. Not because Sibbick was poor but we needed some experience, to slow the game, make things a but more physical. From the corner i reckon Solly would have backed into Moore and made it hard for him without necessarily competing to head. Sibbick easily was nudged forward so Moore had the space he needed. Looked like a lack of experience our side. I dont know if it would have stopped it but thats how i would have guessed it played out.