Please be more accurate with comments and sources. The EU haven't said that. What has been said is that there is minimal data for the older age ranges and the EMA want further information. Germany, as a sovereign nation, have taken the choice to not use the vaccines on people over 65 as they haven't yet been sufficiently assured of the vaccines efficacy for this age group.
Nicola will do what is best for the population. But I’m not getting into any arguments with anyone because I’ve found out if you don’t like Nicola she can’t do anything right. Still Independence in now an inevitability just waiting to happen.
I think we're "Stronger Together" but I wish you the best of luck and good fortune after getting rid of this lot in Westminster. The issue as I see it is that there's no legal procedure for doing so. The UK government has to agree to it and the Tories have already said not going to happen for "A Generation". The best chance from what I can see is Labour/SNP coalition in 2024. I fully expect Nicola to hold a non-binding referendum though which I expect will be a 'Leave' and use that to try and pressure Boris and co. I just don't think it will do much good.
The best solution would have been for England to have left the UK, and then the rest of the UK could have remained in the EU. There is simply no point in persisting with this union. The Scots complain about being dragged along by the rest of the UK, but I am sure they'd have no problem with the SNP propping up a labour government against the wishes of the rest of the country. Time to go our separate ways.
I have read there are already plans to move to the US equivalent base in the US on a temp basis until Plymouth ramped up. On the wider issue, like others have said, a question for the Scots with two observations I have: Firstly, opinions swing and there does seem to be an element of protest vote against the incumbent Government.(Ironically the Scots help the Tories by no longer voting labour) Secondly, we still have (now watered down a bit admittedly) the Barnett formula distorting the Scottish finances. The SNP have been clever spending their extra money on big ticket items like free prescriptions for all, university fees etc that we don't get. If they were to join the EU they would have to accept their budgetary rules which they are probably breaking
She'll no doubt want to keep the NHS and all the perks but be independent. That's how it works for them. She's a classic cherry picker. I'm sure she was Lib Dem in a past life.
Then why do the uk government not know this and show it up front and tell us Scots we can’t do anything about the situation? Not so sure about this mate and if we do live in a democracy then the will of the Scottish people must be heard. Of course boris is not a democrat. Just a posh bully who has always got his own way. I’m not as well informed as most on here but there was something reported last week that the independence issue could end up in the courts.
Milford Haven. Or at a push Plymouth, The nuclear facilities are already at Plymouth but the dockyard isn't that suitable and its a 3 day extra steam from where they usually need to be
But the snp imploding will not change my mind and possibly all others in favour. There will be plenty others to lead the party if anything was to happen
I'm all for you leaving. I's the divorce that I'm against. If it were a case of "si thi". Then it would be all well and good. It won't though there will be years of subsidies to get you up on your feet as a nation setting up this and that. If they want impendence that badly no stone should be left unturned beforehand regarding the same issues faced with Brexit. We've had nearly five years of expensive ***** over that.
Anyway first things first. The Scottish parliament elections. Let’s see how the electorate cast their vote. We have all been told a vote for the SNP is a vote for the push for independence. So it’s a binary choice. If you don’t want independence don’t vote SNP
I quite like NS but on the issue of stopping Johnson visiting Scotland, I can’t agree with her. For gods sake, just have him up there for a few days and give us down here a rest from the pr1ck! Look upon it as respite care. In fact, perhaps he should be forced to spend more time in Scotland, Wales and NI, to demonstrate UK solidarity.
The UK government have been saying since the last one that another one won’t happen for a generation under Tory rule. So I’m not sure what you mean by “why don’t they tell us” - they have been and continue to. I was actually reading up on this the other day so I’ll share what I researched. I’m no expert though. It seems Nicola’s plan is to request a Section 30 order, which allows Holyrood to pass laws that are normally passed in Westminster. They’d then use this to call the referendum. This is the same thing that happened in 2014 and it was approved. Westminster can decline this request however at which point Scotland will seek legal action, which is how it would end up in the courts. It would be decided in the UK Supreme Court. Now section 30 is pretty broad from what I understand so I don’t think you can bet either way how the courts will swing.
Don't worry, the blond buffoon will get his now unemployed blond buffoon buddy on the other side of the big pond to come and build it for us. After all, it is about outsourcing and looking after your mates isn't it????
The PM will welcome talk of a referendum on Scotland as it will take away the emphasis on other things. It's been the politics of subterfuge all along.