Wrong. Once in a generation was a throwaway comment. It was never written down and put in any manifesto to be put into law. So not relevant be best to just accept this is as just a weak argument
Normally I would agree with you but in the case of brexshit the electorate were lied to at level never seen before. Why anyone would accept the word of people like Johnson, Gove and Farage I will never understand.
I'm not missing that fact at all. It's indisputable that the landscape has fundamentally altered since 2014. Ergo, a referendum has validity. And it's still the choice of the people of Scotland.
That's not quite correct, Irish, Maltese and Cypriot nationals were allowed to vote and those UK nationals living abroad who had not registered to vote in UK elections in the previous fifteen years were not allowed.
Using that argument, should Brexit have been open to all voters the EU? Or do the goalposts get moved on the argument to avoid hypocrisy?
Fairs fair. I mean lets have China voting on the south china sea atolls. And Russia voting on the future of the whole of Ukraine. I mean, whats wrong with any of that?
That sounds like something my father in law would say. I've never quite understood (and I refer to him and several others I have the misfortune to know) why they have such hatred (and it is that) of Scotland.
I read them because I choose to. Some i enjoy. Some i don't. Some I agree with, Some I don't. I don't think you have a hatred of Scotland (though here, we're words on a screen), but the comment was something he would say... before sliding deeper into volleys of abuse. So the second part of my post didn't relate to you or anyone else in this thread. But people I know.
This debate is a bit like the one on whether smoking should be banned in indoor areas. An independent Scotland and a uniting of Ireland are coming. The only issue is one of time. And that is really good news for all concerned. If anyone voted Brexit and is whinging at the prospect you need to have a word with yourself. Brexit has only accelerated the day. For those pinning for the UK union; It's less than a hundred years old - still quite a novelty. Just because we've lived through it in our lifetime doesn't mean it has to be cast in stone for evermore. The future of Scotland is a decision for the Scottish people and incidentally, the idea of a UK Govt refusing a referendum against the will of the people - well, crack on with that. Every time that has happened in past history hasn't turned out too well. I'd strongly suggest not making that bollock up again. The English should concentrate on England and it's future. One of the joys of Scottish independence for me is it really will force those living in the North of England to contemplate what kind of future they want in an English structure. The nonsense we have now where two fat blokes sit behind a desk in Westminster and decide how often our bins are emptied? or a proper devolved region where decisions that affect people in their locality are taken by ............ (radical I know) people who live there!!. My fear is that people in the North are so used to cap doffing and relying on 'them' and 'they' to sort out their lives, that they are incapable of stepping up to the mark. Go for it Ian - and with my very best wishes.
I have a family friend, he voted for brexit and argued constantly for it (despite having no argument other than we are great) he also is a unionist, massively keen on the United Kingdom. Every time it’s pointed out that his vote for brexit means it’s far more likely the union breaks up he struggles. He still says “project fear“. Theres no words, It makes me laugh
The UK union is less than 100 years old (just) in its current incarnation. As the UK of Great Britain and Ireland it lasted ~110 years, and as the Kingdom of Great Britain for 93 years before that. Is it just me that is seeing a pattern there?