This thread just serves to remind us we’ve had some reight ***** times and people at BFC over the years, yet we still belly ache when things don’t go our way, as if it’s a surprise occurrence
Alot of johnsons football was ***** before we resigned hammill, but the football on show was no worse than the man who was in charge before him.
Brian Mahoney is the worst player I remember in a reds shirt , closely followed recently by Peter Sands & Mvoto & I would like to add Paul Hart to list of poor managers we have endured .
Don't think hamoir played many games for us i remember he looked totally lost under Paul Hart was It? I'm not great with bfc history can anyone help me out, el hamoir how many appearances did he make and under which manager thanks.
Paul Hart and M'Voto are good additions to what is likely to be a very long list of shíte. I was upset when we sacked Thordarson. To then replace him with Hart - bloody hell.