trouble with our garden its all or nothing, there can literally be nothing for 2 or 3 hours then suddenly all the feeders have birds hanging off them, especially if the Long Tailed Tits are about
There's two wood pigeons, two magpies and a rook stood to one side waiting for the blackbird to finish! They're probably terrified of it!
We had 2 pheasants in the garden last week! No idea where they came from or where they went, but they left before I could take a photo
I went out in the pouring rain an hour or so ago because the resident cheeky robin was sat on the fence near the house yipping away as the Feeder with sunflower hearts was empty! I mean, not even a thank you either!! Sheesh.
very underrated are Sparrows, when I was a kid they were all over, now up here there aren't that many so I take more notice and they really are a lovely bird
you live in the middle of farmland? you are Worzel Gummidge and I claim my 5 pounds prize when I went to see careers guy, I said I want to be outstanding in my field, he got me a job as a scarecrow
We used to get a good mix of birds on our feeders and loved nothing more than watching them feed on my days off work. Since we started getting regular visits from our resident Sparrow Hawk it's rare we see anything other than spuggies. Even the spuggies are very nervous around the feeders theses days. We've seen it take our Robin that used to feed from my wifes hand and a couple of blue tits. There's no doubt it's taken a lot more as it allways rips them to bits on a fence stump at the bottom of our neighbours gardenand and leaves a good pile of feathers as evidence. May be some of these vists we're getting at the moment are coming from last year young.
Our resident robin sits in the tree, stands on the bird bath, tries finding grubs and worms from the soil but he/she never takes the easy food from the feeder. I'm thinking it's a proper tradititional hard-core robin.
LOL i wish. It comes over our front fence drops down to around six inches off the grass, then down the side of the house to the bottom of the back garden where the fedders are. It then swoops up grabs what it can and takes them off to feed its chicks or rips them up on the stump in the neighbours garden. It all happens very quickly blink and you've missed it.
Had an hour this morning. Blue tit, long tailed tit, robin, goldfinch, dunnock, field fare, starling, blackbird, pigeon, collared dove, magpie, spuggy
two woodpigeons building a nest in our tree, blackbirds usually have it so I predict a riot. Our two cats licking their lips.
OK. Hour completed and the birds decided not to show up in any great numbers! Not got a feeder or anything though. The most entertaining thing was the squirrel running up and down the trees.