You say that but we have a tory Council here and would argue we ate in a far worse position. Last time I was in Barnsley there was a lot going on with the Town regeneration which will hopefully bring more people once we are allowed. The bus station was improved not so long back as well so the Town is looking a far better place than it was 10. years ago Central government funding cuts put a lot of pressure on and mean sometimes decisions are made that people don't like but those decisions aren't easy.
. They are all the same when it comes to money. [QUOTE="Brush, post: 2648945, member: ] They all piss in the same pot when money is involved.
We had something similar built on Brown built land not far from where I live. Promises of a new stadium for Wakefield trinity plus retail and development site. Never materialised. Instead a giant cold store unit was built for a company called Newcold. Mainly automated and paying very low wages.
I’m not doubting there’s an element of truth in that but if it happened every time a large planning application went in it would soon get rumbled. I mean it’s not like these things can’t ge checked etc.
There are three different areas of development happening in Hoyland. A lot of the land has different owners too. Hoyland North The land either side of the Dearne Valley Parkway between Shortwood and Rockingham roundabouts. This is mostly owned by Harworth Estates and Hoyland Developments Ltd and the commercial section is named Gateway 36 (the same developer that did the bits where KFC and the car showroom is). A new roundabout is being added to provide access to the two units being built on the same side of KFC further down the road. The units on the other side of the parkway will be accessed via Shortwood roundabout. Behind the units on this side will be housing, accessed from Hawshaw Lane. Avant homes have this land (from Hoyland Developments) and have submitted plans for 100 houses in phase 1, with additional phases later. There’s also potential to provide access to these houses from Shortwood Roundabout at a later stage. Hoyland West This is where Hermes is being built (plot 1) and is adjacent to the M1 slip road. 3 units in total and a small area allocated to housing (see black striped area on the image below). Access to these units will be provided by a new link road, essentially creating a Hoyland Common bypass. Tankersley Lane will be severed from Hoyland Common crossroads, but can still be accessed from the newly constructed road. Rockingham Sports Centre is being demolished and relocated to the Hoyland South development. Hoyland South This site will mostly be housing, with a new primary school, and the relocated Rockingham Sports Centre. Access to this site will be provided from a new roundabout on Sheffield Road. More detail on all the developments is available online. Hoyland North Hoyland West Hoyland South
I understand houses on parkway. Hermes is between Parkside farm shop in Sheffield Road roa to and crossing Tankersley Lane, back of cricket ground to junction 36 of M1.
Make sure you vote Labour in the Mayoral election, Tracy's trying to bring real investment and high value jobs to the region if she's elected: I will lead a Creative New Deal. Billions of pounds are spent every year in the creative industries. Calderdale is already vying to be the ‘Hollywood of the North’, BackStage Academy and Production Park in South Kirby are leading the way in creative skills and manufacturing. Channel 4’s relocation to Leeds and Sky’s £10m commitment to Black, Asian and minority ethnic content means opportunities for our diverse communities. Screen Yorkshire leads the country in training and apprenticeships. West Yorkshire can be a world leader bringing tourism, jobs, skills, opportunities, regeneration and investment into our communities. She was brought up in a council flat in Batley, and I think she will fight for the people in West Yorkshire.
Living in Hoyland Common very close to the Hermes development I am understandably angry and disappointed at what the council is allowing to take place. That said I understand why it has been allowed. Barnsley MBC has suffered the biggest cuts in local authority funding in UK, so the council has to fill the shortfall somehow or cut services. Whilst BMBC is not blameless the real villains of the piece are Tory austerity measures.
Barnsley is a very poor town,with low achievement rate,high unemployment, low Higher education uptake, poor General health. Barnsley has one of the highest rates of Green belt land for a Metropolitan area. Industry is not coming back to Northern England. Unless northerners move to parts of the country where jobs are,like in the 19th and 20th Century,unemployment will remain high. The town needs employers to locate here,people need to work,have independence, aspirations, be like everyone else. Change happens,Hoyland is not like it was 30 years ago, nor are any of the other townships in the borough. The borough is far more attractive than it was and more attractive to outside investment. It's your perogative who you vote for but you cannot blame any council for seeking to improve the economic condition of it's population, short,medium and long term. I don't want to get into a argument with you or anyone else but the town needs jobs and it needs people to be in work,for their wellbeing. Barnsley has never recovered from the industrial policies of the 1990s, the government is not going to help and we can no longer rely on the hundreds of millions of pounds we have received from the EU. Think about the damage done to northern areas over the last 10 years, can Barnsley cope with another 10 years of that? Moan all you want but we need the jobs.
Thousands ? Whatever jobs are created are a bonus as I said in my first post or did you not read that, your sarcasm might have blinkered you
They could be built on brown belt land , there is plenty surounding the Hoyland & Dearne Valley area or maybe we could stick to prime land & have invested around Cawthorne , that would go down well .
Yes on the stretch of brown belt land stretching from Birdwell down to Dearne Valley with the road links to the M1 & A1 already in
It's bloody awful now; the Dearne Valley Parkway. God knows what it will look like when they carpet either side of it with warehouses and housing estates. It's going to be infilled either side up to existing development s. Sad to see Hoyland Nether these days, everything seems like a jumble of ideas and whatevers trendy at the moment. Much preferred it in the 70's and 80's.
No I missed it. Why do you think they have picked that particular spot? Is there a brown belt location that is more suitable?
Also cost a lot of jobs at other cold store facilities in the area. Doncaster and Sheffield both saw job losses