@SuperTyke the thread is about management of a crisis. The UK is found wanting on numerous failings one of the main, but rarely mentioned was the disregard for the ‘National Security Risk Assessment’ drafted in 2019 by a team headed by Sir Patrick Vallance and commissioned by the cabinet office. It warned of the likelihood of a pandemic, similar to SARS and the contingency plans and necessary control measures. Bojo had other things on his mind like Brexit and an impending election so he completely disregarded the the RA. I think your specious arguments on population densities and importations are bordering on sophistry and not germane to mismanagement.
I thought there was a plan. Just we didn’t bother implementing it. Also I know many governments have handled this badly but there are some that got it right. If we really had a functional track and trace system and had quarantined all but freight arrivals we would have had much better results. Credit where credit is due we are doing the vaccine roll out pretty well. But still don’t seem to be fixing other issues which remain important
Re over seas drivers we could have tested them on entry and recorded their itinerary. Any positive tests could then have been rigorously tracked and traced. This is assuming we introduced quarantine hotels for all others at the same time. Ps only just seen @Farnham_Red post which says much the same only more eloquently
A positive test on entry wouldn't have been enough would it? I thought I could catch it today and test negative for quite a few days after despite having it. The only solution I can think of really would be to have UK drivers take over the load at the docks but we don't have enough to do the job. That or test them every day of their journey and don't allow them out of their cabs
No it wouldn’t be perfect agreed but it would be better than nothing. As an afterthought we could have also retest them on the way out and then track any positives back via their itinerary.
No! It'd strike me as very odd that an island nation managed to exist without imports (they don't). The simple difference is that lorry drivers expect to make the short crossing to here and continue driving once they get here, there's no reason that should be the case, and it'd be quite straightforward for UK truck drivers to only drive to and from Dover, likewise EU drivers only driving to the ports at the other side. The excuse that we can't close our borders because we need to trade is simply stupid. If we'd needed to sort an alternative it'd have been done in a heartbeat, but it's easier to pretend it cant be done.
Incorrect. Australia is self sufficient in food, we are not. Those are facts. Feel free to Google it. We do not have enough qualified hgv drivers in the UK to do all the haulage that needs doing anyway plus the additional haulage required to bring all the loads from the docks. Again a fact not an opinion. The shortage of class one drivers in the UK in recent years is well documented, Google it if you dont believe me. Then when you realise there is indeed a big shortage of class one drivers in the UK you can explain where all the spare class one drivers are going to come from to pick up the extra workload that is produced. To give you some idea of the shortage when things were getting bad before Christmas with France stopping drivers from crossing into their country I spent two days on the phone to various driver agencies trying to find just one spare driver who could pick up a trailer at the dock.
Friend of mine was in New Zealand back packing when it all kicked off, he said he was forced to stop in a local B&B and was literally confined to it for nearly a month, until he managed to get a flight home. He also said the attitude about about adhering to it compared to here was night and day.
I believe you’ve described me in the past as posting aggressively. Have a word eh! Firstly I posted about New Zealand not Australia Secondly; I’m not suggesting that I know that there’s enough U.K. drivers, but there’s not enough nurses either, or police, or people to pay an extra million people UC or anyone who existed at all 12 months ago who knew how to make a furlough payment. But, oddly, we’re managing with those things, because necessity is the mother of invention, and if we needed to make it work without foreign drivers, it’d happen. But we decided to not bother, and so the status quo carried on.
I used to think Donny was a bit forthright, but he as educated me on lots of things and now I like him