Great story and I’m sure we can all relate to it at some point in our lives. Tbh I’m not a fan of st Johnstone in anyway. Hatred towards them would be nearer the mark due to a certain cup final I’d much rather forget never happened.
we went to Perth on holiday,passed the ground, this is 20 years after and finally saw where it actually was, so love Scotland went to Highland games at Crieff was a magical day out
Having revisited the thread I started I am a bit disappointed as I hoped to get an insight into what the majority believed the practical hurdles would have to be surmounted for Scotland to be independent. There is a valid argument that many ( including some on here) have put forward i.e. the complexity and potential repercussions of independence are far too diverse to entrust to the general public. I say this using Brexit as an example. Now before I get jumped on, yes I voted leave but not based on all the misinformation bandied about ( on both sides) but in the full knowledge that short to medium term there would be problems ( albeit in hindsight I did not expect the sh*storm that emerged and we now have). Any way I digress. The pont is many voted with their heart and not their head. What is 'Yes to Scottish independence' about if it is not some idealistic argument about Sovereignty. My point was, the SNP want power and are whipping up nationalistic fervour. Furthermore, NS is making assertions that are frankly misleading or at least, highly optimistic..e.g. Fast track into EU membership not to mention keeping the pound as the currency neither of which is a certainty and probably quite the opposite. Don't get me wrong, IMHO it should be up to the Scottish people to determine their own path but I fear that they are being fed misinformation and major obstacles are being glossed over in exactly the same way as the UK population were treated during the Brexit referendum. In reality I genuinely feel that Scotland would suffer as a result of going it alone as the diversity of their sources of GDP is nowhere near to the remaining Union and with the decline one of their biggest revenues oil it with only deteriorate further. That is only an opinion and borne out of genuine concern of where it may lead. Anyway, should they actually gain independence what are the plans to make 'King Ronnie Glavin' an honorary Englishman?
You are totally wrong in your opinion of the SNP. The SNP is just a vehicle to drive Scotland to independence. There are many right wing minded and left wing people out there who vote SNP because they believe in an independent Scotland. Once achieved the first thing that will happen is there will be a general election to choose a government. The electoral system employed will be similar to what is on offer in the Scottish parliament atm where it is designed that no party will have utmost power and that parties will have to work together. SNP will fracture. I’m sure it will still remain but left wing right wing and certral moderate parties will make up the political spectrum.
Went to the Highland games up in Oban one year. Chuffin freezing and pi**Ing it down. Have to say those Scottish pipers are hard b'stards. They had to play at all four corners of the arena. Judges sat under cover but no such luck for the pipers who had to stand and play in the pouring rain whilst slowing sinking into the ground which was fast turning into a quagmire. We spent half the afternoon drying out in the whisky tent. Don't remember much about the rest of the events
Fair do's Ian and I wish you all the best but where is the money going to come from that will be needed to establish a new State. All I have seen are vague missives stating Scotland has a wealth of resources ( which it doubtless has) but even ramping that up to enable it to become self sustaining requires huge investment. Has a detailed plan and due diligence document been presented to the public?
No idea pal. Of course the places you get your information from could arguably be from a Unionist supporting media
If Scotland does join the EU will we in Barnsley have to pay an import tariff on shortbread? Or, will it be confined so as to be only to be munched "north ert Border"? And, if so, will shortbread smuggling take over from fág smuggling? So many unknowns.
I’d be more than willing to smuggle some down to you. Along with Irn Bru, Arbroath Smokies, Forfar Bridies and of course Dundee Cake.
Does that mean that bagpipes will be banned in England. I fúcking hope so cos they sound like someones standing on the piper's dick.