Hoping for a striker. Doesn't think its the lad from Wigan. Trying to do it permanently, but might be a loan. No outgoings
I think they mean where does it say that it’s not the lad from Wigan. I didn’t get that impression from Doug, I didn’t get any indication of who it was from Doug.
Sounds like this is their Plan A. Plan B is usually Panic B. But for goodness sake make sure there's some ink in the fax machine just in case.
Sorry! I believe some replied to his tweet asking and then Doug said he believed it wasn't the Wigan lad. Sure I read that a bit ago
No need to apologise, I might’ve got it wrong myself! I didn’t see the replies but that makes more sense now, cheers.
Jephcott is quite raw still and still learning the game,if he is doing well next season, then it might be worth checking. Not convinced by some of the high scoring youngsters in the lower leagues, stats might be high but do they fit in to high level football?
Always a risk, I know, but we've had a few gems from the lower leagues over the years. It would depend on the fee, obviously. David Currie did alright for us, and only £150,000 from Darlington. Mind you, that was quite a lot at the time.
I know they aren't all strikers but we've done well over the years. Mawson, Hourihane, Scowen, Winnall, Pinnock, Roberts, Yiadom, Brittain. I don't know whether it's financial not to carry on pursuing those sorts of players. Maybe we were pioneers and other clubs have made it more difficult?
There was a story over the weekend saying that Kyle joseph was injured, scuppering any moves in this transfer window, saying that, players being injured doesn,t usually put Barnsley off...
I think Plymouth have already quoted 7 figure numbers to prospective suitors,according to Quest. That's an awful lot of money for a inexperienced player, I agree with the Coach,someone who can go straight in. I think we will wait till the summer.
In recent times, I think our better signings have been players from lower leagues who have a good amount of games under their belt and achieved at that level. If you consider, a club really only has 3 options of putting a squad together. You "grow" the players through your academy or recruit into that structure. You loan players. Or you buy players. Because of resource, when buying, lower leagues made sense, and I think we did pretty well at that. I think where we hit the skids was the foray into the European leagues (Austria especially). The single positive of Brexit so far is that the new transfer regulations make it much harder to sign lower league players on the continent, so it might end up saving us a lot of money!
We've signed em wi brokken legs. Seem to remember Mad Mel accepting an autopsy report at one medical int early 90s.