Any good? Worth the money? I have a moody 13 year old online-schooling moaning saying her iPad isn’t up to the pace......(it is dated tbf to her) Any advice appreciated
Give her a pen and paper and say welcome to 1984. My young un keeps switching the camera off on zoom lessons and saying its broke to the teacher.
They last a long time, I'm typing this on a Macbook which I bought in 2009. Its a bit slow now and I'm thinking of getting a new one, if you've got iphone's its another thing to consider as you're tied in with apple id's and icloud etc which makes it easier.
I ipad Pro perhaps, I’m using one now, albeit nowhere near to using it to its full capability. Bought online direct from Apple and took advantage of their no interest fee monthly instalments
No. In my experience, unless you are running design/recording software like InDesign or Logic, a Mac is almost definitely not worth it. (I have an iMac with 32G of Ram that just doesn't get used). Forna 13 year old with an old ipad, a decent laptop'll do and be half the price.
The other halfs Mac was bought in 2003 and its still going and never had a problem with it, it's speed, capacity or with any viruses. In the meantime, I've probably had a new fairly high spec laptop every 3 years on average.
Personally not an apple fan myself so not a fan of iMacs etc. As others have said you will get better specs from a windows machine but for a lot cheaper. Not to say Apple products don't have some advantages and plus points but I think they are very expensive for what you get. They tend to last a while in credit to them which is a plus point, but unless your daughter needs to do some high-end design work (which apple macs excel at) I would say a Windows laptop/Chromebook would be more than sufficient for home school work and will save you a fortune.
You can get a 2 year old refurbished mactop for around £500. Make sure it’s a reputable dealer with warranty & tec support. Usually ex business machines. It what I get every few years. Currently on a 2014 model & it’s working fine, never any bother. Might upgrade this year. Also want a good old iBook, which is compatible with my old analogue scanners..
Yes I think they are. Like @wakeyred said they last a long time and hold their value in comparison to PC's however they do tend to be more expensive. The new m1 macs like the macbook air are incredible bits of kit. Apple have used their apple silicon CPUs etc developed for iphone and ipad to build something that rivals and often beats most top end powerful PC flavoured laptops so they do represent excellent value if you are buying new. M1 macs aslo run ios apps now. How well Im not sure as I still have one of the older intel macs. I think one of the important considerations is probably what is she using at school?
It’s mainly teams she uses, I’m thinking it’s a good edition to for the house too, little un’ gets her work sent via Google Classroom so she would get some use from it too.
beg to disagree. show me a win10 laptop that performs better than the new MacBook Air M1, for the same price.
Can't argue with you since I've not used either a macbook or a win10 laptop for some time, I use good old win7....
Some of these new laptops; Windows, Mac and Chromebook aren't upgradable without a lot of arseache. The RAM is often soldered in so you can't change it easily.
Macs are great & incredibly easy to use. Fisher Price, my arse.. More suited to creative types & you fall in love with em & tend not to look back. That can be a problem in professional life, if employers use Microsoft. Which feels like Cold War Russia in comparison. It’s like a remain or leave thing & I bet there’s some interesting stats to be found in that thought.. Charlie Brooker wrote this great article on the politics of computers, years ago. Will try to find it. Found it..