True. Was just saying they can run versions of microsoft. Mine is a refurbished machine, previous owner had installed certain programmes. Wish it had photoshop.
Some Windows users are techno snobs. As are Linux users and absolutely definitely Android users. You say it like it’s exclusive to people who have Apple products, which it obviously isn’t.
Just my experience thats all, the way they look down on on other technology and take the ****, worked with loads of em but hay ho.
There is a difference but that difference is getting smaller. The biggest functional gap I see is in OneNote which I use a lot.
I use one note on my MacBook and iPad every day. Make notes on iPad with the pencil and then edit them and add additional info on one note for Mac. Works a charm.
Mac all the way. I use both Mac and PC. Sure Macs cost more initially, but probably last 3 times longer. Fire up a 12 year old Mac, and then fire up a 12 year old PC. Mac will be as fast as the day you bought it - the PC will probably take 10mins to get going at least.......Which is a lie, as most people will have binned a 12 year old PC already because it’s painfully slow. Unless you’re doing mega stuff, there’s no need to spec a Mac high. £1,200 for 8GB ram model and usually with interest free credit too. Be good for another 10 years easily. A lot of schools and colleges are using Macs these days too.
Got a new MacBook recently love it and still have a 10 year old iMac which is still running sound as! Nothing could ever possess me to turn back to windows now
Hmmm... Sort of contradicts your assertion that Macs are vastly superior to Windows laptops and you would not go back to them. As I said before, except for specialist media users the high cost of an Apple PC or laptop cannot really be justified. Statements like " it is vastly superior and far better built" usually come from people who either have only had Macs from the time they WERE better or are involved in music or media production. If they really are more reliable, cost effective and markedly superior to Windows then most businesses the World over would use them. The fact that in the area of desktop and laptop computers, Windows is the most commonly installed OS, at approximately between 77% and 87.8% globally whilst Apple's macOS accounts for approximately 9.6–13% suggest otherwise. Don't get me wrong, they are damn fine machines but no longer have sufficiently groundbreaking innovative features and the high prices mean they are heavily reliant on the loyalty of many, who, like the people who queue for hours for the latest iPhone consider them as a fashion item or status symbol. Chips, graphics, SSD and MB evolution continues unabated from Apple AMD and Intel each vying for the top spot. 'Moore's law' is great for we, the consumers.
Bump! I was talking to my daughter on Messenger yesterday and, since I am thinking of upgrading my ageing PC that hosts my Cubase DAW and now I am videoing stuff and syncing to audio it is struggling at higher resolutions, I asked her about PC or Mac route options. Surprisingly she came down heavily on the PC route. She has worked in the video games industry at senior level for well over a decade on both technical and project management sides on multi-million pound games and now is overall studio business manager responsible for many aspects of the business, including Mo-Cap, localisation bluescreen and music production, voice talent casting, training hiring freelancers etc. She has her 'finger on the pulse' of what is happening on technical innovation amongst the 'big players 'and according to her, dedicated PC DAW hardware typically based around 10th Generation Intel chips is replacing the Macs throughout the film and gaming industry . They have recently updated systems in their New York & London studios as an ongoing rollout replacing the Macs with PCs with their other studios gradually switching over . This is because Cost/benefit analysis has shown that PCs perform as well as Apple products at a fraction of the cost to upgrade/equip a studio. Not a massive issue for a single unit but when rendering with multiple units the cost differential becomes excessive. Therefore, my original thoughts that in the specialist field of media production Apple was 'King' was wrong. Caveat that the Intel based laptops do not match the speed of the latest M1 Apple processors so for music producers 'on the move' then Apple is still good. However most studios use either PCs or rack mounted PCs optimised for audio video production which give more bangs per buck and are not noticeably less productive than the expensive MACs. So if people work in the Studio on PCs they are likely to use PC laptops otherwise businesses need two versions of DAW software (not practical) so freelancers are also likely to follow the trend and move to PCs.
Not trying to start an argument but a lot of this information is wrong, outdated or exaggerated. Intel are losing market share extremely quickly. M1 macs are picking up a lot of the creative industry. Maybe your daughters company are moving away from Apple, but that’s not the trend industry wide. On the PC side buying Intel right now is very short sighted for any sort of workstation task. AMD have obliterated them in that market. The only place Intel are keeping their market share is in hardcore gaming systems. And by hardcore I’m talking a system that’s not used for anything else whatsoever. Intel has a slight gaming edge, but AMD has a significant edge in just about every other task. They have CPUs now with 128 threads. Intel just cannot keep up with that. Also you don’t need two versions of software. Most software is cross-platform these days.