Not defending him. Just pointing out that he is wrong about Australia - or the UK for that matter - being an island. The UK has 130 inhabited islands and is an archipelago (see also New Zealand). Both Japan and Taiwan are even less self-sufficient for food than we are though...
I would have thought being an island nation (Like New Zealand) would make it easier to control the borders. On a smaller scale, the Isle of Man showed what you can do if you have tight controls
But the Island of great Britain is an island. Our islands then become the British Isles. All a bit confusing I admit but to say Australia is not like us because we are an island is just ignorance and just stupidity.
Whats even more worrying is the background of Grant Shapps. Just google his alias, Michael Green. Internet guru extraordinaire.
Reason she got the job is almost certainly and completely unrelated to the fact she is married to John Penrose MP (Tory Westernsupermare) and is good mates with Matt Hancock MP
It’s difficult to imagine how someone would be given such a job without it even being advertised, in any other sphere.
Great Britain is an island, but the country is the "UK of GB and NI" - the 2 biggest islands - plus Isle of Wight, Anglesey, Bute, Jura and the Orkneys, Shetlands, etc. form the archipelago of the British Isles. Guernsey also had it under control until about 3 weeks ago when a dance event became a superspreader event and 7-800 attendees had to isolate (and 230 cases now). It looks like someone who had been off island broke isolation early (or the isolation period isn't long enough). Jersey has made a mess of it though, with 67 deaths so far. It only takes one person to relax too soon, and it all goes wrong...
So does this mean if Scotland votes Yes in a referendum and gain independence, both RUK and Scotland will no longer be Island Nations as both will have a land border? Just asking
Ian, I don't like pulling a fellow Barnsley supporter up but are you sure that's Grant Chapps because he looks like someone called Michael Green.