I'm not sure I can cope with much more winning.... https://www.theguardian.com/politic...by-68-since-brexit?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
No it always amuses me when folk write of one story because it’s in a paper that they don’t like and take in any rubbish from one they do. They all write biased bollo*** to suite their readership , if you want to be gullible feel free
Are you saying that the reporter has made up the story that the road haulage association have presented said report?
I wouldn’t argue with you Micky your’e that far indoctrinated in the left it would be a waste of time. As I said before I voted remain, but we are out and we have to give it a chance , any figures and points quoted now are a waste of time we have to give things a chance to sort themselves out, there were bound to be teething problems. Just amuses me when folk quote one paper and dismiss another, when they are all equally biased to suit there own ends. So far only fact seems to be the UK are rolling out vaccinations apace and the EU aren’t but Zi suppose you are ignoring that?
The benefits of being out are what then? Actual, tangible benefits, not hollow slogans. Not having a go, genuinely curious what the positives are.
If you believe they're useful, the vaccines. We have vaccinated 10 million +, the EU are in a shambles. If Brexit hadn't have happened, we would be in that same shambles. There's one for you.
Well I'm not, but you crack on. As for your last point, it's the most facile argument out there right now. This might be a stretch for you, but it's quite possible to be pro-EU but think they've made a right ricketts of the vaccine procurement; in the same way that one can only admire the way the UK has dealt with the rollout, without that impinging on your belief were governed by utter charlatans.
I've edited this as it was late, we'd both had a drink and from my perspective we sorted it out, so it seemed wrong that this was still here.
There you see that wasn’t hard was it? All I said was it’s pointless pointing out early problems they need to be sorted. I’m just prepared to give it a chance.
what ..did...you ..not ...understand...about ...give ...it ...time... to... get ...sorted If ...you want..l to take... a personal..pop at..me that’s..up to ..you ...but ..you ...really have ...no...idea ..what ...’ kind.. of person ... I ...am’
Don't patronise me. This was going to be the easiest deal in history, remember? I will continue to point out each and every problem this ludicrous and monumental act of self-harm causes.