The EUprovably haven't spunked 12 billion away to their friends for something that doesn't work. The vaccine is not this govt doing, it is private companies, our govt just got an order in earlier than anyone else. However, look at the ineptness of them overall, not closing our borders and everything else they have flecked up, and all you can say against the EU is, "we've got more people vaccinated", wow!!!!
Football forum split by Brexit decision. The BBS must be the most politically focussed football forum in existence. Brexit has happened, didn’t vote for it, but the majority did. Nobody on here knows if we are better off out or in, any benefits/drawbacks will become apparent in the medium to long term. The current position is still the transition with the overlay of COVID. Are the same people who want a fuller lock down also the ones who state that exports are down.
Accidentally left wing Like all the EU’s negotiating position, it was based on reciprocal agreements. The industry wants the international standard 3 months. The EU were happy to sign that off. But the U.K. govt weren’t happy for foreigners to come here for a while 3 months visa free. It’s not quite true to say that the EU ‘attached strings’ when the string was only a reciprocal arrangement. I have no idea what the pre EU position was, but I’d guess that ardent Brexiteer Roger Daltrey (just like the fishermen) wasn’t expecting his government to ignore his industry when negotiating in the best interests of the country, and that’s why they’re upset. When no deal or removal from the CU was looking likely, the fishing industry lobbied the govt to be an exception. It’s not beyond the remits of your imagination to think what the ‘unreasonable’ strings the EU might have wanted in order to secure an exception. It’s also bleeding obvious why the U.K. would have refused. sovereignty over our own waters - means we get to fish as much as we want! But also means there’s no point cos we can’t sell it. It’s a microcosm of what will happen to the whole of the economy.
Those mitigating factors are purely the incompetence of our govt regarding brexit and the negotiations. Idiots like you swallowed their lies hook, line and sinker. And that's what this country will do, under their leadership, sink....
Here we go again,everybody who has a different opinion is an idiot.This board is full of Gypsy Rose Lees.
Relax. I’ve found the answer. It’s very simple. Britain is great. The clue’s in the title – ‘Great Britain.’ Once you accept this - and most importantly don’t think any further - everything becomes very easy. For instance, because Britain is great, everyone else is, by definition, not as good. More often than not they are rubbish: foreigners, EU. Even some British fall into this category - Remoaners, Guardian readers. And, if you’re ‘great’ nothing can ever be your fault. Which means people who aren’t ‘great’ are the cause of any problems that might crop up. They are - you’ve guessed it - foreigners, EU, Remoaners, Guardian readers. If you disagree with this then you aren’t ‘great’ and are holding Britain back from becoming even greater. Want facts or evidence? Try this – ‘Britain is Great.’ Fact. Job done.
I’ll apologise for him calling you an idiot. It’s exceedingly unhelpful. But then so is the notion that we’d have to be ‘gypsy rose Lee’ to know that Johnson would lie and cheat his way through this. I appreciate that different media outlets might cover this differently, but you’d have to have been living under a rock to not know that Johnson is a liar. All of these outcomes were flagged prior to us leaving, the liar in chief said they were lies, they were called ‘project fear’ by the rw media. You didn’t have to be Gypsy Rose Lee, you just needed to weigh up whether to believe a bunch of legal experts or the proven liar Boris Johnson. The fact you chose to believe the proven liar and others chose to believe the ‘experts’* doesn’t make us Gypsy Rose Lee really does it? * remember ‘we’ve had enough of experts’? That should have been a clue that you were being lied to. When a politician asks you to go with your gut rather than listen to experts, they know they’re wrong.
Stats are a wonderful thing, as an example according to ONS vehicle exports to non EU countries in Q3 (upto Sept) last year increased by 171.8%. In monetary value, that equates to £3.1 billion. On face value that sounds great but it’s not the whole story. My point being is if someone released a headline of non EU exports increases by 171.8%, it would be heralded as a success.
Genuine question: I have a couple of suppliers who claim they are struggling to slots in ports (from South East Asia)for their ships due to delays caused by Brexit, is this some truth in this or is it companies taking advantage of a situation?
So Covid has no relevance? You’re seriously going to try and ignore a global pandemic that is likely to bring about a global crash.... and blame it all on brexit...? “Damn brexit, I’d still be able to go to footy if those looneys hadn’t voted leave!”
Genuine question. Do the Scots have a case for another vote on independence.?. If you do.? Should the UK have the right to another vote on Brexit if the majority think so. Whatever the vote. You don’t have to accept the result if it’s against your principle. Get on with it I agree.Yes.
Bit early to start throwing insults about.. Just wondering, are you in Covid denial? Do you know anyone on furlough, or struggling because of the lockdowns? It seems in your twisted and single mindedness that all that’s happened over the last 2 years is brexit.... If you think that the Covid pandemic has had no affect on the economy, you need to seek help. Wonder if Biden will blame brexit...
Its not lying,its called getting elected,they all do it but most dont want to believe their preferred party do it.You will be telling me next that Tony Blair didnt lie.
No they don't 'all do it'. Another lazy, ill-informed bit of whataboutery. And I'm not on political lines here; there are plenty of Tory MPs who, while I might not agree with their policies, don't actually lie. Johnson has a proven track record of lying, both in public office and in his personal life. He's been sacked for it more than once. If you're happy to take seriously a single word he says, then good luck with that.... But Blair......
Brexit has always been stupid, economically speaking. The EU has messed up on vaccines and this UK Government has (for the first time, as far as I can tell!) got it spot on. Credit where it's due to the vaccine minister and that department. BUT that doesn't mean that leaving the EU was the right decision at the time, or now. As this article and countless others have demonstrated, the economy is going to take a big beating because we've left. It's madness. The vaccine doesn't prevent that.
The Guardian is not the same as the Daily Mail either. The journalistic standards there are completely different. If you want to compare it to the Spectator or maybe the Telegraph then fair enough, but the Daily Mail is an absolute rag. Barely any better than the Sun.