No I ‘m not. What I’m trying to say (clearly very badly) is, in the context of your last post, that it’s the inconsistency that’s unfair. I just don’t see how it’s not advantageous for an offside goal to stand because VAR wasn’t operating. It’s simply not fair that one offside goal stands and another doesn’t.
Because it's just as likely for the converse to happen, so no unfairness, just pure luck. It's getting circular. I guess it's semantics.
The same criteria should apply for every game in a competition, otherwise it is unbalanced and the integrity is compromised. Some teams are being protected from poor decisions and others aren't. VAR can correct any big club bias in on-field decision making for example. I also think the same should apply when admitting spectators as well. Some grounds are intimidating places to go to when home fans are present and it can be a leveller when they are empty. Spectators should only be allowed when it can be the same for everyone.