I apologise if you are not a Tory, from memory you always side with them in threads and seem to be right wing in your views. If I have misremembered your views sorry.
Couldn't be a Tory too many of them make my skin crawl, especially Gove, I agree I do argue different things but as individual topics just as I see them, not from a political view.
I can't blumming find it now - but here's a report of that report (if that makes sense). It actually says 88% against just 7% rather than the 13% originally mentioned - but I've seen that number mentioned before. Either way, you can take the 88% number to the bank. https://www.channel4.com/news/factc...report-really-find-0-of-labour-ads-misleading
Thanks, I found that, but another report I read stated that the original source was massively flawed as it only looked at Facebook Ads over a four day period, four days when the Tories put a lot on FB and Labour hardly used it. I'm no fan of the Tories but the 88% figure is not born out over the campaign or TV/Leaflet advertising, I can't find a source that even suggests such a figure.
As I posted earlier I voted to remain so I didn't ignore anything. And to be honest I didn't know which would be better so I thought the better the devil I know. I accepted the decision and will give whoever is in charge a chance unlike some
How much of a chance does Johnson need before you accept he’s a lying, self-serving, free to the highest bidder buffoon; incompetent in anything useful as a frontline politician, but scarily adept at convincing the general public he’s a loveable rogue who’s doing his best and that they should like him? Just wondering.
Fair enough viewpoint. How long would you consider a reasonable period of time and what sort of things would you find it acceptable to ignore do you think?
I've 'accepted the decision'. But as far as Johnson is concerned, he's had all the chances he deserves. How many provable lies is he allowed before you stop 'giving him a chance'? I'm not talking about something abstract here. The buffoon is still saying theres no customs between NI and the mainland, despite his ministers publicly addressing a situation that quite clearly exists. He lied about knowing it would happen, and continues to lie about it. Likewise the problems caused by leaving the single market - they're not a temporary blip unless you believe he's about to re-join it. This is the future
We f@@ckd because we’ve got the most incompetent, lying, horrible, selfish govt and cabinet ministers this country has ever had. Worse still, there are people, ( some on this board) who defend them and would sooner post whataboutery because they voted for them. Horrible govt, horrible party and many horrible followers and apologists. Yes we’re f@@ckd
The author is from the Royal Statistical Society...I'm not expert enough to pass judgment but if he's correct the first piece was extremely shoddy to put it mildly. https://anthonybmasters.medium.com/were-88-of-conservative-ads-misleading-ca70a379ce08
The roots of many odious right wingers can be tracked back to their horrible views and belief that their inherited privileges and monies are there to be used to promote and support such views and actions.